Power Sweep Powerhead


Yeah I've got two, one on each side of my tank. They are set up to sweep my live rock. Cool idea but not even close to my aquaclear 402's rated at 270gph.
I'm waiting for a powersweep rated at 400+ to upgrade.


I've got one - it's not super awesome, but it does move water. Works great for the mushrooms, the low water flow with sweeping action. At least the shrooms seem to love it anyway.
Some people have had trouble with them - the sweeping mechanism gets messed up and stops working because of salt for some reason. I guess I can't say I've had any trouble with them, but it's definitely not a powerful PH.


I put a post on earlier today but it's not there. IMO they suck. I have had the obe apart 4 times in 2 months with no apparent signs why it continues to stop sweeping. Poor design I guess.


Im thinking the flow is the rated flow of just the head. The moving water is what makes the sweeper move, so that is probably cutting down the flow like mad. Mine leaks some flow out the pivot of the sweeper, it doesnt all come out the output
I have had mine for about 3 months and only cleaned it once, havnt had any problems with it at all.


Active Member
As far as I know they are fairly new products. I think over time they might become more reliable.


Oh, that's just fine, are they going to upgrade me for free? How about I sell you a busted PC and tell you it's new and the next one should work.????



Originally posted by kpogue
Oh, that's just fine, are they going to upgrade me for free? How about I sell you a busted PC and tell you it's new and the next one should work.????

LOL Kpogue,
why not? Microsoft does it all the time!


Active Member
fpogue I was simply saying DON'T buy one now. Wait till they improve on the design. And I'm pretty sure they at least work when you get them.


Again, what about us poor schmucks that already bought ones that doesn't work? Sorry, unless they offer to replace my units (which I doubt) their name is junk in my book forever. I don't care if the next year's model in plated in gold! If a company has a product on the market they are asking ME to pay money for, than I expect that product to work. If it doesn't - it has no business being on the market. IMO, it is nothing less than legalized theft by deception. Too many companies are getting away with this bs all across the board and we, the consumers, are being told "tough sh** and you'd better like it, cause that's all you're going to get"


Active Member
There's a lot of equipment for this hobby that is of poor design - and of course - many of us find out the hard way.
I had two power ( ha ) sweep ( ha ha ) powerheads that did not perform worth a hoot. I decided to take other action.
As far as getting ripped off by manufacturers - it unfortunately happens all too often.
Is it right - nope - no way.
Will it change - doubt it.
Buyer beware - as in most everything else in life.