Power Sweep Powerheads


Has anyone used the power sweep powerheads? do they work? Am I better off with just a Hagen? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


chris, they break within a couple weeks. I have got 2 and the wheels keep jumping track. i dont fix them anymore. your not far from me either,i would like to see you tank if possible.


I only know of one person that still uses his. He stays on top of cleaning it and uses the sponge prefilter.
Regardless the output isn't that great. If you have a strong sump pump, you would be better off with putting a sea swirl on the return.


Thanks folks I will use the Hagens. Yes Southbury is a very nice town. It has grown in the last thirty years. When I first moved here in 72 it was farmland and dirt roads, but not anymore.
My tank is a 55 gal that has a dsb 50 lbs Southdown 40 lbs live sand. It will have at least 110 lbs live rock when done. I also have a home built refugium that has twenty pounds of Southdown and twenty five lbs live sand. A wet dry filter that still have the bio balls in it and a Aqua Clear Protein Skimmer. For lighting I am using four no Fluorescent lights at 7500K on the tank and one no fluorescent on the refugium. As soon as I can figure out how to make my digital camara work I would be glad to post pics. By the by I just put thirty pounds of live rock in the tank that I got from Gulf-view and can't believe how great it is. I did try to order from here but I could never get to talk to anybody. As I type this I am hearing a clicking sound in the tank. Guess what I think I have a mantis shrimp. He is in one of the rocks he is gray and tan about 1.5 inches long. Could that be I thought they were colourful?


New Member
mine stopped sweeping, but I emailed the company and they sent me 2 extra sets of gears for free!
So who wins? I need 2 power headsand wanted the sweeping kind now I just don't know? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Active Member
I use them. I use the prefilter and have no problems as of yet. Without the prefilter they will stop. You do need to clean them. I clean mine at every water change.
Good Luck
ps.. where you at in VA?
Ocean Currents makes an oscillating return for like 50 bucks. Turbine powered like a sprinkler. No electricity or seals to worry about, it uses pump output to turn gears that rotate output. Very little water velocity loss, too. 2 months so far and only glitch was when I first got 'em, hooked 'em up wrong. Flipped 'em over and installed 'em rightside-up and have worked like a charm since.


all I know if they keeping stoping they are not for me. I spend a lot of time working on my tanks. I don't want to spend time rebuilding powerheads.


I bought a powersweep a couple of weeks ago for my QT tank, and took it back two days ago. It was so loud I could hear it over my 75 gal. main tank(with overflow, skimmer, and extra powerheads) that is right next to the QT. Way too loud for me.


New Member
I have ran a hagen for several years with no problems and in January I bought a powersweep and have had no problems with it so far. The powersweep comes with a prefilter for a reason and we all know that it's not because it looks pretty. I have used the filter from the start because common sense told me that if you have gears that are driven by a fairly low water flow, it doesn't take much trash to stop them. If you are not going to use the prefilter, I do not recommend them unless you are going to keep them clean. If you have a black back ground or can hide the filter behind rocks so that they blend in then it's not that bad. Even with the prefilter it is wise to take it apart and clean it regularly like you should be doing with all of your powerheads and other equipment. I have not had a problem with noise. After saying all of this it might start making a terrible noise and stop working before anyone reads this but as for now no problems.


I have four of the so called "powersweeps". Their terrible. I recieved two broken in the box, returned them and within a week they were broken again. The rotate for a week, then you have to dig through all your wiring to clean them. I e-mailed the company about my problems with their product twice, and never recieved anything. No phone call, no e-mail, no sorry to hear it, Nothing. Oh well, chalk this one up as a lesson learned. Sorry, had to vent since I didn't get the chance to with them...lol :)