Power Sweeper

Hi guys,
I was wondering if I need a power sweeper in my new set-up..it's a 55 gal. uniquarium...I plan to set it up as reef tank with some fish...MY LFS told me I don't need it..is he right?


If you are refering tlo power heads. I would go witha MAxi Jet I tried the power sweeper but found that after three months and coraline statrted to build up the rotating head would jam. I could not get the thing to work for more than a day or two even after cleaning. Needless to say I use it to mix my salt now its no longer in my tank.


If your going to keep corals and depending on what types it would not hurt to add some extra water flow. Wish I could be more specific but I need more details regarding your aquarium and what you want to keep.
I'm setting-up a 55 gallon Uniquarium...I'm going for a reef tank..MY LFS told me that I don't need it ..but it wouldn't hurt to add, right?:jumping:
Uniqauriums have a separate compartmenst at the back that act like sumps. They have a built-infilter system and room for a skimmer. We were planning tochnage our existing eclipse tank but had a hard time picking a set-up so we were happy we found this uniquarium from an LFS at Redondo Beach, CA.


somethingfishy Like i stated before it would not hurt and depending on what types of coral you plan on keeping such as sps require much greater flow than what you will get from the built in sump in the back.


I have a powersweep on my tanks for over a year now, and I love it. The side to side current is excellent, and I just rinse out the sponge once a week. I have coraline algae on mine, but it has never stopped the "sweeper" flow. The only change I would make is the suction cups sometimes give, and it has to be pushed back onto the glass. Good luck to ya


Active Member
my powersweep does not sweep any longer, it is just positioned to one area of my tank.
after 7 months, the rotating head was completely jamed and when I was trying to fix it, it broke:eek:
piece of junk, but it is great for cleaning the tank with its sponge-it collects a lot of garbage