power went out overnight!! COLD


So the power went out and the water temp in both my tanks (aggressive 55 and a reef 30) got down to about 61-61... The corals dont look good at all and the fish i think are all alive, but all very very still and tucked away in the rockwork (for heat maybe). Will the corals survive? Should I top off with some hot water to help raise the temp? or just let the heaters natural bring the temp up?
How low can temp get before fish die?


Can't you just fill some bottles with hot water to bring up the temp. During the summer I put frozen bottles to bring the temp down.


Active Member
i agree with ejensen. use some water bottles to raise the temp up. this will still take a few hours so your fish should be ok. i would not add straight hot water to your tank because the drastic temp changes could be stressful for your fish.


Active Member
my friends power went out a couple of different times in the winter. once for a couple of days. lost some corals but the fish made it ok.


i see all my fish except for the purple psudeochromis and the 6 line wrasse... surley the wrasse is a hardy fish.. I will say, however, those 2 fish both tend to hind away at night.