powercompact lighting?



alright.....i want a nice small reef tank being i have a 28 gallon.....im planning on upgrading to powercompact lighting.....currently i'm told my tank is way overstocked with these things....
1 engineer goby
1 yellow tang
1 purple devil damsel
1 fire goby
1 orange linkia star
2 peppermint shrimp
1 condy anemone
5 hermits
1 large snail of some sort
any recommendations on what i need to do or what my ideal 28 gallon should contain would be great......


hmmm.......that's no good......the stores here locally just want my money....can't really get a good opinion.....any recommendations for my 28gallon tank would be much appreciated.....if it requires getting rid of fish i'm willing to do it to make it better in the end...


Originally Posted by tampausmc
just getting started and wondering if powercompact lighting will work fine for corals and anemones in my 28 gallon tank......
also I just started my 28 gallon tank with 20 lbs of live sand and 35 lbs of live rock....i have a yellow tang, condy anemone, 2 peppermint shrimp, engineer goby, fire goby, 5 hermits, 1 orange linkia star, some type of large snail, and a purple devil damsel....I'm wondering if it's fine for me to get some type of clown fish with what i have.....and also wondering what i would lose in getting a dwarf lion......
Is not that you would be over stocked you are way over stocked the coby will grow to 13" in length the tang need atleast a 55 gal tank min. Anemones need mh light to survive. I would keep no more than 4 small fish in a 28 gal tank soft corals will work with that type of lighting.


Look on this site for fish, copy paste the name, then google it ,and then look at different places that will tell you how big they get. I think the rule is 1 inch per 3 gals.


Active Member
Yep, what you need to know is right here.
Don't add anything to your tank until you fix its problems - the anemone, the tang, and eventually, the engineer goby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oreo12
Is not that you would be over stocked you are way over stocked the coby will grow to 13" in length the tang need atleast a 55 gal tank min. Anemones need mh light to survive. I would keep no more than 4 small fish in a 28 gal tank soft corals will work with that type of lighting.
Yep, what you need to know is right here.
Don't add anything to your tank until you fix its problems - the anemone, the tang, and eventually, the engineer goby.
Originally Posted by rusting

Look on this site for fish, copy paste the name, then google it ,and then look at different places that will tell you how big they get. I think the rule is 1 inch per 3 gals.
I however do not agree with rusting. Inch per gallon measurements do not work for various reasons and most of those websites do not give the right details about proper tank size and growth about fish. They are trying to sell you the fish, so they are not going to give you what you need to know, but rather, what you want to hear. Stick to this website where you will get hundreds of experienced opinions that know what they are doing.


wow.....that sucks......guess i need a better plan for the tank....i did just read about the engineer goby on one site that said it needs a 70 gallon tank or better. So i guess I'll take some time to figure out a better plan for my tank. I eventually wanted an anemone and a clownfish with some coral and that's really all i wanted....do i have to have MH lighting for all kinds of anemones?


I however do not agree with rusting. Inch per gallon measurements do not work for various reasons and most of those websites do not give the right details about proper tank size and growth about fish. They are trying to sell you the fish, so they are not going to give you what you need to know, but rather, what you want to hear. Stick to this website where you will get hundreds of experienced opinions that know what they are doing.
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Its just a jumping off point, not cast in stone. There are sites that can be found that will give good info.


alright.....i want a nice small reef tank being i have a 28 gallon.....im planning on upgrading to powercompact lighting.....currently i'm told my tank is way overstocked with these things....
1 engineer goby
1 yellow tang
1 purple devil damsel
1 fire goby
1 orange linkia star
2 peppermint shrimp
1 condy anemone
5 hermits
1 large snail of some sort
any recommendations on what i need to do or what my ideal 28 gallon should contain would be great......


Active Member
Take out the yellow tang, first off. He definitely needs a bigger tank. Then, you will have three fish and you would have room to add a clownfish if you like.
What is the wattage of the PC lights you are looking at?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rusting
I however do not agree with rusting. Inch per gallon measurements do not work for various reasons and most of those websites do not give the right details about proper tank size and growth about fish. They are trying to sell you the fish, so they are not going to give you what you need to know, but rather, what you want to hear. Stick to this website where you will get hundreds of experienced opinions that know what they are doing.
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Its just a jumping off point, not cast in stone. There are sites that can be found that will give good info.
No, I see what you are saying, but too many times, people use this for a dead set reference. Inch per gallon does not take into consideration appetite of the particular fish, bioload that it puts on the tank, the width of the fish, and most people do not consider how big the fish will grow to, but rather, what size it is at the current time.


Coralife Aqualight Double Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights
24" 130 watt
Includes a 21" 65 watt Actinic &
a 21" 65 watt 10000°K bulb
(Straight pin base)
sorry my topic here has gone multiple directions......guess i should've planned this all out better.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by tampausmc
Coralife Aqualight Double Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights
24" 130 watt
Includes a 21" 65 watt Actinic &
a 21" 65 watt 10000°K bulb
(Straight pin base)
sorry my topic here has gone multiple directions......guess i should've planned this all out better.....
Yep, I like that light fixture a lot. It will provide your tank with a nice amount of light.
Any more questions I can help you with?


Active Member
The orange linckia also will probably not survive in that tank unless you have it crammed full of LR.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
The orange linckia also will probably not survive in that tank unless you have it crammed full of LR.
Yeah, eventually the star will starve. Good thinking, Alyssia.
That will be efficient light for softies and the condy anemone, IMO.


Sorry for getting off subject. I agree with Lion Crazz, find a good home for your tang.Is your question now about coral? I lost my place.