powercompact lighting?



well if someone can tell me what LR stands for.......then after that I think all of my questions have been answered.....thank you all for your help......seems I need to start a major overhaul on my tank.....


so that's not a good star for my size of aquarium basically?


oh...and actually i have 2 more questions.....my tank has been going for over 4 weeks....is it due a water change and if so what percent should i change?
can live rock be added even though my tank has been running for a while? or will it result in problems?

tang 1

New Member
Just my two cents, you need to slow down and do a lot of research before you try to turn your tank into a reef tank. Unfortunately, I didn't know about this website when I started and my tank crashed and a lot of fish perished due to my lack of knowledge and patience.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by tampausmc
alright.....i want a nice small reef tank being i have a 28 gallon.....im planning on upgrading to powercompact lighting.....currently i'm told my tank is way overstocked with these things....
1 engineer gobygets to be 12 inches rock movers digs in substrateunder rocks good fish needs a larger tank
1 yellow tang(will get totally stresed in a small tank even the tinist of specimin
1 purple devil damsel (hell be ok
1 fire goby(kinda touchy wit the damsels agressin in a smal tank my damsels killed mine in a 6 ft tank
1 orange linkia star(need prestine water quality in a fully established tank)
2 peppermint shrimp
1 condy anemone(you need MH lighting for this anenome to thrive and presitine water quality)
5 hermits
1 large snail of some sort.go for for small nas snails they thrive better and wont knock over small coral frags
any recommendations on what i need to do or what my ideal 28 gallon should contain would be great......
that is my recomendation. i do suggest browsing the internet and finding information such as tank requirements feeding ect before purchasing your fish.use multipul sites for researching as we are all hobbiest here and we dont know everything either except by experience and research.full research is the key.along with a good dose of common sense.


Live rock is rock with good bacteria and critters on and in the rock. You need 1 1/2 lbs per. gal. You do not need to get all at once. They sell it on this site. It helpa in filtraiton of your tank, very important for any saltwater tank. You can add it any time as it is cured. You can also get live rock at your LFS. This site can be very helpful. Read all you can before you do anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tampausmc
oh...and actually i have 2 more questions.....my tank has been going for over 4 weeks....is it due a water change and if so what percent should i change?
can live rock be added even though my tank has been running for a while? or will it result in problems?

Not sure about the water change question, but I have added 5-10 lbs of cured (it must be cured before you put it in your tank) LR at a time to my reef and it has been fine.


thank you all for your help.....i'm sure i'll have many more questions as i go.......


unleashed.....very true about the damsel causing problems with my fire goby......the damsel is always picking at him so that now the fire goby hides under a rock until it's time to feed.....


I do 10% ever week, but I ame cutting back to every other week. You may have answered this, but you need to use RO/DI water.


Originally Posted by rusting
I do 10% ever week, but I ame cutting back to every other week. You may have answered this, but you need to use RO/DI water.
that brings up one more question....what is RO/DI water? i currently just use the stuff i buy at the store....and when my level gets a little low i use distilled....


If you get your water from a LFS. it should be RD/IO. It is water that is cleaned by a filter system. A must for SW tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tampausmc
unleashed.....very true about the damsel causing problems with my fire goby......the damsel is always picking at him so that now the fire goby hides under a rock until it's time to feed.....
your best bet is to seek another placement for your damsel unfortunatly even in the larger systems they can ge highly territorial and dont play nice with others.he will eventually kill your goby and most other new arrivals(he has the name purple devil for a reason) kind of a hard toss up between a 5-10 dallor fish compaired to a 20+ dollars fish huh .as your question:(that brings up one more question....what is RO/DI water? i currently just use the stuff i buy at the store....and when my level gets a little low i use distilled....) ro unit removes metals, chemical and other inpurities that are found in tap water.it can be helpful in getting a good unit the best ones i have read or heard about put out up to 75 gal per day the 100 + gal units dont seam to be as effective im removing the impurities.the initial cost may seam a bit much but not only will you save money in the long run by using one conceder the total cost you pay to buy the chemical to treat the water for chlorine ,then you by more stuff to remove phosphates then you buy distilled water the gas you used up to go to the store to buy the water ect it all adds up in the long run.this ont make ytour tank perfect nor does it garentee you wont get annoying algaes but it does help alot in making sure your fish are started off in clean unpoluted water.


will i run into that same problem if i put a clownfish in with my fire goby? I would like to keep the fire goby since all of my other picks won't work out for me......


Active Member
Originally Posted by tampausmc
will i run into that same problem if i put a clownfish in with my fire goby? I would like to keep the fire goby since all of my other picks won't work out for me......
not if you pic a smaller clown species stay away from maroons thet get larger ,you can even get a pair of them and dont worry they dont have to have an enenome if you dont get one fo lack of lighting if you buy at a pair at the same time its much easier to get them to breed and not be aggresive to each other