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alright.....i want a nice small reef tank being i have a 28 gallon.....im planning on upgrading to powercompact lighting.....currently i'm told my tank is way overstocked with these things....
1 engineer gobygets to be 12 inches rock movers digs in substrateunder rocks good fish needs a larger tank
1 yellow tang(will get totally stresed in a small tank even the tinist of specimin
1 purple devil damsel (hell be ok
1 fire goby(kinda touchy wit the damsels agressin in a smal tank my damsels killed mine in a 6 ft tank
1 orange linkia star(need prestine water quality in a fully established tank)
2 peppermint shrimp
1 condy anemone(you need MH lighting for this anenome to thrive and presitine water quality)
5 hermits
1 large snail of some sort.go for for small nas snails they thrive better and wont knock over small coral frags
any recommendations on what i need to do or what my ideal 28 gallon should contain would be great......
that is my recomendation. i do suggest browsing the internet and finding information such as tank requirements feeding ect before purchasing your fish.use multipul sites for researching as we are all hobbiest here and we dont know everything either except by experience and research.full research is the key.along with a good dose of common sense.