Powered Blue Tang - SHipped in Hypo Water


Is shipping fish in Hyposalinic (<--- is that a word :)) good for them? I received my Powered Blue Tang today and tested the water and it's at 1.010 and acclimation time is suppose to be 4 hours, but wouldn't raising the SG to 1.024 in 4 hours be harmful?
I wasn't sure where to post this.


Active Member
no this is not good. Your fish more than likely had ich prior to shipment and therefore the supplier lowered the salinity to that for hypo reasons. I believe that you need to drip acclimate, but you need to get your QT to the same salinity as what the PBT is currently in. Basically you can drop the salinity in the matter of an hour and have it ready for him by the time his temperature equals out.
Test the rest of his water and ensure that there is not more chemicals in there (ammonia and such).


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
no this is not good. Your fish more than likely had ich prior to shipment and therefore the supplier lowered the salinity to that for hypo reasons. I believe that you need to drip acclimate, but you need to get your QT to the same salinity as what the PBT is currently in. Basically you can drop the salinity in the matter of an hour and have it ready for him by the time his temperature equals out.
Test the rest of his water and ensure that there is not more chemicals in there (ammonia and such).
Yeah, I agree, the QT should be as close to that salinity as possible. You could just lower it down to 1.009 for the rest of the QT period to ensure 100% that ich doesn't come around too, just wait until it's been in the tank for a day or two before doing that.


like they said above.. but in addition, i would call and ask why they shipped it in such low sg.. then make a formal complaint.


Active Member
Off topic jwhite, but out of curiosity, what size pb did they send you, and was that the size you ordered?


I ordered the normal (small 2-3") and this guy looks bigger. Why do you ask? I was hoping for something smaller.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jwhiteuwc
I ordered the normal (small 2-3") and this guy looks bigger. Why do you ask? I was hoping for something smaller.
That was my fear. I am about to start adding a few different types of tangs to a 280 gal, but I want to make sure to add them as juveniles (small) since they can be aggressive and territorial. But I have read a few posts on here where people ordered small and received a monster. I guess you just have to take your chances if you never know what you are going to get


All of the fish that I've received from here have been shipped in water with a pretty low salinity. I don't remember exact numbers, but it definitely took a while to get the salinity up as I was acclimating. I've heard stores keep it low to help avoid diseases. I don't know about THAT low, but low none the less.


It's also known to ship fish in low salinity for stress reasons (and ph). SO maybe that's why it says 4 hours to acclimate :)
Doesn't appear to have any ICH on him, fins and gills look great! He is a monster though.