Powerfilter VS Protein Skimmer


I have a 55 gallon that will be FOWLR. It came with a 30-60 power filter. Will this work or should I get a protein skimmer?
Has anyone used a Prizm Skimmer?


Active Member
A power filter and a skimmer do completely different things. It all depends on how you want to set your tank up. I have a prizm skimmer on my 46gal, I wish I would have spent a little more and gotten a better skimmer. A power filter is probably not going to be enough for a 55gal. I just have a 4" dsb, LR and a skimmer for my filtration, and a refugium, but I also have a very lite bioload. I do have a power filter but I just use it for circulation and for running phosphate sponge or carbon occasionally.


I have never used a prizm and only skim every 3 weeks for 24 hours. but as far as the VS, there is no comparison. the filter will provide a mechanical filtraion and somewhere to put your chemical filtration. but the protein skimmer will take out the dissolved proteins in the water so clarity and quaility will improve with its use.
I use powerfilters to improve the surface agitation of the water along with water cicrulation. on my 50 reef I use 2 pengiun ?forgot the number the double sided ones? without the filter pads along with 2 power heads in my 100 FOWLR i use 2 power filters and 2 802 power heads and still skim every few weeks.
if you have someone close to you that uses a skimmer ask them to show you want the skimmer pulls out of the water its really gross and nasty kinda stinky to. LOL


Active Member
powerfilter as in peguin/emperor from marineland? man the only real complaint i have from them is that they create bubbles in your tank, not just any bubbles, big bubbles, im considering just getting rid of the small peguin i have now, what a waste of 20 bucks..
and yes bubbles are bad, why? because when they burst salt sprays everywhere lowering your salinity.. its nice to see dried saltwater all over the place, my opinion, get rid of it and get a deep sand bed and atleast 55 lbs of liverock maybe 40, they will act as your natural filter
As for protein skimmers, yes people have had great results and beautiful tanks without skimmers, because of frequent water changes, it doesnt mean that if you have a skimmer you can skimp on the water changes, i recommend atleast bi-weekly water changes to make sure your tank is stable
prizm in my opinion seems like a cheap skimmer, sure it looks cool at first but in the end, a seaclone/cprbakpak/berlin skimmers are way better and seaclone is only what? 20 dollars more? im personally going to buy a seaclone for my new tank, prizms are also noisy so if its in your room like mines, you'll get used to the sound eventually
hope that gives you some ideas


Prizm skimmers aren't that bad. They produce about the same amount of noise as a seaclone, at least mine does. They are actually easier to adjust than a seaclone, but don't work as well IMO. Both are a decent skimmer for tanks 55 and smaller for the price. As with anything though, you get what you pay for. Spend more on a skimmer and it will work better and make less noise. The power filter can be used for water movement alone, or else be used to run carbon. Also, some power filters can house a bio-wheel, which some like and others dislike. At the very least, it can act as another power head.


Say Entice59..
I have the same problem with a hang on biolife 55 filter how do i get the air bubles to stop. IE dry salt everywhere. Thank you