powerhead 601 HELP!!!


hey guys.... need some help! I went to the beach this weekend and while I was there - I got some sand to put in my new tank. So.... get home... get all the sand into my tank and let it settle over night.. I wake up this morning.. and my powerhead just isn't working

do you think while pouring the sand in the tank it caused sand to get into the powerhead and stop working!?!?!
I don't remember if the powerhead was working when I got home last night or not.. but I have taken it out and tried to clean it and use a different outlet but it's still not working!?
any suggestions!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! :help:


See how much of the powerhead you can take apart some sand might have gotten into the impeller and messed it up you could take it out and run some water throught it you never know.


no reason really... I was at the beach and thought since I was there I would collect some sand! I haven't put anything in the tank yet so I didn't think it would harm! All kinds of creatures made it back though.. even a sand crab! haha!
I took the power head apart as much as I could and ran water over it... and it started to work again - so thanks!!!!