Powerhead and bubbles


I was always told that a marine tank should not have bubbles. I have a reef and 3 powerheads. all three heads came with a clear tube and a little black thing that goes on top of it (venturi valve?) any way, when i put this on the heads blow bubbles. i have one head at the top of my tank with this on only because i have a tall tank with not that much surface area and the bubbles seem to get more movement than just the head alone.
should i keep this up? or is it dangerous to my reef inhabitants?


I thought I read somewhere on these forums that you shouldnt use the tiny bubbles. Can't remember why :thinking:
I also have a tall tank (47g/31" deep) and have two powerheads pointing down. The third is pointing up and is creating a ripple effect on the surface.
I would also like to hear more input on you question also.


Active Member
Some claim that bubbles could be harmful to fish by getting stuck in their gills. I don't see how this will happen. Mostly it looks WAY better to not have bubbles IMO. With corals if bubbles collect under or on them it could cause damage.


Active Member
I have the same type of pump and what I did is slide the roller clamp (similar to the blue clamp that you find on an IV drip) closed to eliminate the bubbles.


all the bubbles are aimed directly up to the top with the powerhead and it is maybe 3 inches from the top. It just doesn't seem to move the top of my water very much with out the bubbles?. My fish don't seem as sluggish since i have the top moving more with the bubbles