Powerhead question


I have gone back to the lfs twice today. I have never had a powerhead in my tank and it has been up and running for about 3 weeks. I have a 46 bowed tank with about 55 lbs lr and ls. I have a fluval 304 canister filter and am going to soon get a protein skimmer. I want to set up a powerhead and get this thing ready for a reef setup (originaly it was going to be fwolr). I bought the Aquaclear 301 and it is causing like a whirlwind around the tank and I have 2 damsels in there now and they are petrified of it. Is this normal for it to be this strong. It's almost like a whirlwind in the tank...thats the best way I can describe it. It's the bowed tank so eventhough it's 46 gal it has less surface area. I don't know if I need the lower model powerhead, there is only one model down from this one. I am assuming that during feeding time it gets shut off. Last but not least, on the box the 301 says it is recommended for tanks up to 30 gallons. What should I do? Thanks
[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: Jeff903 ]


the fish are prolly more afraid of the new noise than the current. fish in the ocean are subject to current similar to that, so there should not be a problem with the PH, i have a clown that plays in the jetstream of a powerhead. I do not see any reason for concern, and sooner or later things will settle down. I dont believe that there is such a ting as too much circulation in a reef tank. the more water movement over your rocks, the better your tank is!


Yeah like I said, I never had a powerhead before. Also, it doesn't say in the manual if the air intake is supposed to be above the water level or below (completely submerged). It makes a big difference with air bubbles in the water. Thanks
[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: Jeff903 ]
I've got two 402's in my 75G and I don't use the air intake at all. I just have mine completely submerged. One slightly higher than the other on opposite sides. If you want and like extra bubbles then you should have the hose in the intake above the water and use that little rubber valve deal to adjust the amount of air.


I use the Hagen 402 and 802's in my tank. I also criss-cross their streams to create a current, then sometimes I will add a zoomed to my new tankgs in order to have the sweeping motion in there as well, just to break things up. In my 70 I have 2 402's and a Rio 150 for behind the rocks.
In my 150 I am going to have at least 4 802's.
Ive also got a 46gal Bowfront and I use 2-Maxi-jet 900 aimed at each other and 1 maxi-jet 1200 placed behind L/R almost at the bottom of tank.


Is it better to have 2 smaller powerheads or one that is recommended for your tank size? If having 2 is better, should they all be in 1 direction or against each other on each side or is it just your own preference?
[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: Jeff903 ]
[ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: Jeff903 ]