powerhead question

I just have a quick question. I have two Aquaclear powerheads in my tank (75 gallon) and one is an Aquaclear 50 and the other an Aquaclear 70. My question is if I got one Tunze powerhead would that work just as good/better than the other two together? I just thought that the Tunze ones seemed to make the water move around better but most have high gph's so I figured two would be too much. thanks in advance.


I'm gonna ad a little to this question. If 1 reason for powerheads is to keep junk suspended in water until filter picks it up what is the best placement? High? Low? At both ends of tank directly at eachother?


I myself have been researching this and what seems to be popular opinion is two PHs, one on each end of the tank aimed at one another. In addition to this you can add two more lower in the tank to keep the substrate clean. Not everyone does the second two, in fact I have never seen it in anyone's tank but there are those who advocate it in order to keep detritus in the water column and allow it to be filtered out. I have been reading some threads on DSB v. BB and there is a great deal of this discussed in regards to current. There is also the variable of what types of corals you plan to keep. Of course if you are keeping stonies you will want higher flow than if you have softies. I went to my local Aquarium Society meeting this evening and the host had two tanks, one 65G softy tank with one PH and one 100G stony tank with 4 PHs and very high flow. I personally preferred the softy tank which makes me wonder what I will do with my 4 new nanostreams that are supposed to be here tomorrow. I think I may set up a low flow area specifically for my pumping xenias because they look so much nicer under the lower flow. I think it is just a matter of experimentation and preference. I currently have 8 PHs in my 180G but I am not happy with the flow, I think this is mainly because of the narrow stream that is put out by my PHs so I am hoping that the nanostreams will be better. I also purchased 2 Koralia nanos to go on the back wall behind the rock to blow all of the detritus back to the front and I may get a couple more. The nice thing about the K nanos is that they really have a very low flow for a larger tank and they don't cause a sand storm but do move the muck out. I will mod my tunze nanos and let you all know how it goes. I am hoping to get a flip camera for Christmas and I will try to make movie clip.


Active Member
the one stream will do a lot more than the 2 ph.. stream style pump produce a wider more wide spread flow.. while centripical (sp) ph produce strong narrow flow.. this is not good if you plan to direct water to corals... the stream will be the ticket.. you kinda dont understand what a stream style ph can do untill you see it... it will blow you away.. if you have maxijet pumps laying around.. you can order prefab streammods online ( i made my own stream mods for my MJ and they went from i think 240gph to 1400gph )... they are great.. ir you can even buy actual stream type pumps .. koralias.. they are great for the price... those tunes nanos are sweet too..moded.. they can do like 1800gph..
those tunes nanos are sweet.. you will have lots of fun with them...