powerhead question


i have bought a powerhead that has a valve, that you can put air in the tank--should i have a little air going into the tank
--cause i do and im at work----and i just bought a powder blue tang yesterday afternoon!!
thanks for the help


i heard that air bubbles can cause some problems to fish, don't know how true this it, but with the air going, it will cause salt-creep out the wazoo.


Active Member
The bubbles will be fine on your tang. Many tangs have been in tanks with airstones in the past. It would be the least of my concern with tangs. Ich would be my main concern with tangs. Just stop the bubbles when you get home.


air bubbles cause ick,?
or just tangs in generall??
cause ive noticed a small white spot on him last night when i brought him home--i put slime coat in there,
hopefully he will be allright
he was kinda hiding a little to much, but then again i dont know ive never had a tang before


Active Member
Ich is a parasite not caused by bubbles and for some reason tangs seem to be more prone but I don't know that for sure. Is he in a QT?


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrickwebb
he is the only fish in the tank, and its a 20 gl tall
I hope that's just a QT and not the tank that you are planning on keeping him in. I'm not the Tang Police but even non members would agree that a 20 gallon tank is too small for a tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrickwebb
yes thats his QT
do they kinda just chill untill they get use to there surroundings-?
Yeah it's a good idea to keep the lights off for a while. When you observe him check his gills and look for small white spots or anything else that looks off. Do you have a refractometer?


Active Member
Ich will look almost like grains of salt sprinkled onto the body of the fish. There is a known lifecycle and the ich (if there is any) will be visible and then it will disappear (many think the fish kicked it) but it is really just going to the sand to reproduce and will come back so make sure if you see it you take the proper measures to rid the fish of the disease before you put it in your display tank. I believe I read somewhere that the shape of the body has a lot to do with tangs being so prone to ich. It was saying something about any fish who has a body that is as tall as it is long (tang, butterfly, angel) are more prone to disease, although this could have been talking about something else and I just have a bad memory. Can anyone else recall?


i just hope when i get home he's allright, however he does seem pretty lonely, when hes sees his reflection in the glass he wants to go closer and stay there!!