Powerhead question


I do not have an undergravel filter but I would like to set up a powerhead or two to reep their benefits. What sort of flows do i need and where should I position them in my tank. Thanx.


Active Member
8 fish in a 30!!
Undergravel filter is not going to help that bio-load.......sheesh! Do some research on how many fish your tank can handle as well as debates on tangs in small tanks. Sounds like it will be ICK city in there soon. I am sorry that this reply does not answer your powerhead question but, let's get the priorities straight.


That was a posting from when I first started here. Since then the Tang is gone. Also the bioload you are talking about you must not know about. Try perfect parameters and not even one sighting of any parasite in about a year. Now anyone here not wanting to complain and moan about what they do not know about wish to answer. I just want the water to have more movement.


Active Member
I guess I'd consider 10 turns/times the tankwater volume as a good rule of thumb.
In your 30 - if you moved 300 gallons per hour with a powerhead you'd noticed a difference.
Sort of personal preference.
More water circulation is better than not enough - within reason.
I move about 17 turns per hour in my reef tank.
It's not excessive to me.
I like to have good surface agitation, so one pointed towards the water surface is always cool.
Another one down deeper - moving water from lower to higher insures good turnover and no dead spots.
Try one powerhead, if you want more, add another - they're pretty cheap for the benefits they provide.


Broomer5 Just let the intake run free? Also the jets should be pointed up? I appreciate your help.
Also RyBread I was not flaming you but that was not the point. To extend that one step further I have NO fish in my tank that is even 2 inches long. I understand overcrowding as I volunteer for Mote Marine Institute. I do appreciate your interest in fish health. I as well do not believe having something look pretty for me but suffer is not right. I do know a good bit of what I am talking about but I have never used a powerhead so that is the only reason I am in the new hobbyists board. I have no experince with a powerhead. But I do know my stuff and learned a lot from a year ago when I DID have an ick problem due to the tangs stressing in a small tank. It was something I knew better than to do but I let my childlike adoration of the yellow tang beat out my better judgement. Everything in my tank is happy and stress is not a factor. Everything is compatible and gets along.


How do you make a homemade protein skimmer? Haven't seen that in the DIY forum, I don't think, anyway. Do you plans I could look at, or an example?



Originally posted by ntvflgirl
How do you make a homemade protein skimmer? Haven't seen that in the DIY forum, I don't think, anyway. Do you plans I could look at, or an example?

I am on my way to work but I will email you the directions when I get home. Quite easy actually.


Active Member
Why you being so hard on Stoy. I noticed on AngelP posting you complemented her tank but never mentioned she has 8 fish (ok it's a 75 Gal) and a full set up of anenome's etc in a tank that is only 2 MONTHS OLD. A FULL set up in 2 months - you think this is ok?
Also if you read Stoy post correctly you will see he says he doesn't have UGF.


Active Member
I am not trying to be hard on you. I know that you may very well know more about this hobby than me.......I am still in the learning process as I will be for the rest of my life. I am also a firm believer that there is no such thing as "perfect" water. If you would like to feel that you are better than me for putting in my two cents, be my guest. You can not help but to understand that I saw what you used to have in the tank. It is great that you have found a good place for the tang and that is admirable. I myself have a 29 gallon reef setup and I would love to house seven or eight fish in there with no problems..........I just don't feel that it is in my best interest or definitely in the livestock's best interests. I will try to keep my opinions away from your questions if you like. Sorry to inconveniece you with my low IQ. :)
BTW, I have three powerhead 402s running along with the other filters and they have not given me any problems in a little over a year. I think they are 270gph and they are variable as well....good buy in my opinion..........and we know what this is worth.
I hadn't even noticed that AngelP had that many fish in such a new setup.........I will proceed to tar, feather, and flog her as that is what I am so well know for.:)


stoy. How about some more info on how you run your tank. i.e. how often and how much are your water changes? I am new to this but I have a magnum 350 cannister filter and always assumed that model moved 350 gallons and hour through its power head. I also have a seaclone 100 skimmer which I only run 12 hrs a day. (the tank is in my office and I dont like the noise) I assume this is ok. Finally with that livestock can you roughly tell me how much of what kind of food you put in on a daily basis. I worry about over feeding which would require more water changes. Do you turn off your filters and skimmers when you feed?


Rye It's aight man just try and stay on topic. And as far as the protein skimmer go to to www.about.com and did a search for "DIY Protein Skimmer". I got a lot of hits on the subject. There are a bunch of plans to make the Venturi Skimmers and Air Skimmers. I took 1 basic design because it was easy to do and very inexpensive. I spent about $23 dollars on all the pieces. Its a counter-current Air Protein Skimmer The plan I am using is from http:..users.rcn.com/reff101/skimmer.html.



Originally posted by jayster
stoy. How about some more info on how you run your tank. i.e. how often and how much are your water changes? I am new to this but I have a magnum 350 cannister filter and always assumed that model moved 350 gallons and hour through its power head. I also have a seaclone 100 skimmer which I only run 12 hrs a day. (the tank is in my office and I dont like the noise) I assume this is ok. Finally with that livestock can you roughly tell me how much of what kind of food you put in on a daily basis. I worry about over feeding which would require more water changes. Do you turn off your filters and skimmers when you feed?

Every two week I do a 1/4 water change on my tank using instant ocean. I also change the filter pads every month and clean algae of front glass before a water change. My water parameters are not perfect but damn near it. To avoud the water change problem with feeding I only feed my fish brine and use a veggie clip with spinach for my plant lovers. I also ass a lil garlic to the shrimp to boost imune health. I KNOW THIS IS NOR PROVEN BUT IF MOTE LAB SAYS IT WORKS I BELIEVE THEM.


Thanks for the info on the DIY protein skimmer, there are plenty of different plans, but were do I get an Injector? Can I make one myself?:confused: