Powerhead Question


I have 2 Rio powerheads in my 55 gal. The question I have is there such a thing as too much current? I have both of them mounted in the back corners angled towards the front. I do not have the control valve attached to it to regulate how much current it puts out. Do I need to regulate the water flow or just leave it the way it is? Thanks in advance.


I am not sure about too much current, I have never heard of a problem, though it could be possible I guess. Don't worry about it. I would angle your power heads so one faces forward and the other is turned towards the other...perpendicular if I am not mistaken. That is what I was taught anyway.


Usual recommendation is 10 tank turnovers per hour. that would put you at 550 gallons per hour, so 344 gallons per hour from the Rios is not too much. Like ekclark said, it is a good idea to aim the powerheads directly at each other, this randomizes the currents in the tank. Use full flow from the pumps. HTH