powerhead questions


New Member
i have a 26gal bowfront tank, and a cascade 300 filter. how many powerheads do you think i need and what flow rate should they be?
also, i have one powerhead right now, i think it's for a 20 or 30gal tank, i'm not sure(it was with the tank when i bought it). anyways,i have it on a suction cup halfway down into the tabk, but it's not blowing any air bubbles out. it's working, you can tell when you put your hand in front of it, just no bubbles coming out. i have the air tube thing routed so that it's above the canopy. is it supposed to be shouting bubbles out? does it matter?


Active Member
you dont want it to blow any bubbles. take the air tube off. you only want water flow.


New Member
ok thanks, i'll take it off. how many do you think i need for my tank? what flow rate should i be looking at?

b bauer

see if you can find the gph of the ph and filter add them up then divide by your tank size (26)= turnover for fo 10-15 reef around 20 is preferred