powerhead recommendation & placement?


I'm getting ready to buy a powerhead(s) for a 29 gallon fowlr. What is the best one I can get. Also could someone tell me where would be a good spot to place it at? Would a powersweep be good since it changes directions? Thanks!


no powersweeps they suck...it will break down and stop rotation....i would get 2 power heads, either maxi jet, or aqua clear


I have a aqua clear, and it works wonderful.... as far as placement, I am sure there is a good and a bad place, but I guess it is just where you want it:notsure: ..


I think I'll skip the powersweep...thanX! Will the powerheads help with filtration or are they more for helping the oxygen flow in the tank?


Some models have pre-filters that can be attached, but really their filtering ability is limited. Basicly the pre-filter is mostly used to keep fish from being sucked into the intake. I lost a clown that way a few weeks ago. In other words, powerheads are for water flow.
You want to get at least two. Get smaller ones since your tank is small. As far as placement, it is up to you really, but your goal is to prevent any dead spots and to keep debris from settling so that your filter can from it from the water column. So you want to have a good current going over your rock, maybe bounce one off the front of your glass, point one behind your rock, as long as you get ALL the water moving your good. You goal is to acheive atleast 10x turnover, better than that would be 15x for a fish only system, 20x is you are doing a reef. BTW, I am a huge fan of AquaClear.


I agree with everyone else. I really like my 2 aquaclear 402's. You would probably need 1-301 & 1-402. My powerheads are near the top. I get good circulation in my 55g.


I also have a 29gal and I use two maxi jet 1200s at the top of my tank. One at the front glass and the other blowing the rear of the rock. With the rock in the way it kind of moves in a circular motion with spots that are faster than others.