powerhead selection


I am building my reef tank, and I know that more flow is better, but I dont want to produce too strong a current. Do I?
This is a 92 gal. corner tank. I plan to use 4 jets in the tank (I wave a wavemaster to alternate them). I was thinking 160 gal/hr pumps would be about right.
What capacity powerheads are best?
I have read that Maxijet are the goods. Depending on the flow needed I wonder if the Minijets (by the same manufacturer) are better for this application.


Havent decided on corals yet. I'm definitely starting slow...this is my first reef.
I did not want to err on the side of too much and then have no use for the powerheads. I figured if i got ones that were too weak i could just add more.
Do you think that 230gal/hr would be better?


Active Member
Something else to keep in mind is the heat that phs give off. In fact the heat put out by maxijet 1200 far exceeds that of the 900's. I only make this point that if you're going for mucho current there are other ways beside using ph's. Some here have used returns with manifolds that make great use of high water flow. I know the next time a build a reef I'm going that direction.
Just another thought.


Isn't that number in addition to what my return pump provides?
If so, I will go with the 160's. If not it looks like the 230's
I read for reefs up to 20X was good. Seems a bit high.


That last posting was for a couple of posts back. Now that I see the 20X by a few more people, I will definitely go with the Maxijet 900 (230gal.hr)
My return pump is a mag 7 as well. I think its a bit underpowered for the tank I have, but the plumbing wont accomodate a larger pump. I figured I'll make up for it in the tank with the powerheads.


Its the hole in the tempered glass tank bottom. The largest tube that will fit through is 3/4 ID. Anything larger than the Mag 7 has a 1" ID outllet. I have been told not to reduce pipe size on a pump outlet or you can burn the pump.
Is this true?
I would love to upgrade the pump but I was under the impression I was stuck due to the plumbing size.


Active Member
If you are going to with SPS corals I agree with Kip 10-20 times tank volume otherwise 8-12/vol. Maxijets are very good!


Active Member
yeah kip i wa sbefuddled too i have both a mag 12 and 9.5 and they both have 3/4 intake and output terminals so upgrading should be no problem...btw, i have a used mag 12 if anyone is interested!
good luck


I'm sorry...I was one size off.
My tank will only fit 1/2 inch. The next size up for the pumps is 3/4.
I couldn't remember if it was 1/2 or 3/4, since I am at work I couldn't check to be sure.
My bad.


follow up:
I yanked out the bulkhead fixture that was in the return line hole for the sump. It will accomodate larger pipe. I will be replumbing the overflow return and bulkhead to allow 3/4 pipe for a larger pump.
For an in sump return, what is the best pump to buy? (I'm running an external iwaki on my 125, but they dont make submersibles)
Why anyone would have set this thing up with a 1/2 inch return is completely beyond me!
I guess I will be buying a new return pump as well. So far I'm in this thing for a hefty sum, and its rising every day.