powerhead suction


do any of you guys have problems with your powerheads not keeping a suction to the side of the tank.. i clean the glass and apply them and sometimes when i come home from work i have a huge hole blowed out in the dsb. should i just get some new powerheads for my 75.
if so, what kinds, sizes and how many
will have all kinds of corals after cycle


Active Member
How old are they? Can you replace the suction cups themselves? My heater did the same thing and I just got new ones. :)


Yes we all have problems with this. The D$@&%$ suction cups lose flexibility over time and need to be replaced. also when you clean the glass (to reattach them) make sure you clean the suction cups as they get a film build up on them over time.
There has got to be a better way, anyone know of it?