Powerhead too large???


lions den

When I bought my new wet/dry it came with an Aquaclear 2200 powerhead as the pump which was way too small so I bought a new pump today that pushes out alot more water. I put the powerhead/pump in my tank that is a 135 with a Pork Puffer, Niger Trigger, and Sailfin Tang to see if this would add some more circulation which is exactly what it did. My tank looks like there is a cyclone going on inside of it. Is this to much and could it stress the fish out or should I leave the pump in the tank. Thanks in advance.

mr . salty

Active Member
if you are indeed getting a cyclone in there,it could very well be too much.
Plus puffers are poor swimmers,so too much is not good for them.
I have found that 4 smaller pumps work much better for circulation than one big one does.
You may also want to try experimenting with spray bars on the output of this pump.This would spread the blast along the length of the bar,thus eliminating the cyclone affect.

lions den

Thats an awesome idea Salty. I had planned on putting one of these on my returns but it would work even better with this pump. It is pushing over 700 gallons an hour right and my puffer looked at me last night like,"please make this craziness stop!" so I turned it off. My Tang loved it though.