Powerhead use and placement?


Need advise on where and how to best us 2 power heads for a 60 gallon?
I would have used them for a UGF but (through much advise) decided not to use a UGF.
I still have the power heads and want to make good use of them, any advise?


Active Member
Many people use powerheads for water circulation. Sometimes overlooked, water circulation is very important. It's recommended to have 10x-20x turnover rate. What this means is if you have a 60g tank, you would want at a minimum 600 gallons per-hour (10x) of water flow.
I would place one on each end of the tank in the back corner facing out to the front glass. Additional pump or powerheads may be needed to achieve adequate flow. Do you have a skimmer? Sump? anything else pushing water?? and what are the powerheads you have rated for "gph"??


The one for my 60 gallon is a Aqua Clear model 402 rated at 270 gph (125 reverse flow).
A skimmer yes, and I am new to the world of canister filters (Rena XP3 350gph).
I purchased a canister filter (suggested by the LFS) to replace the power filter w/ bio wheel and UGF.
But I purchused the power heads for the UGF that I decided not to use now.
I want to still use them (the PH) for circulation, if that would be there best use.
Also, I am being told (by othere members of this site) I should cover the bottom intake opening with a slitted cap to prevent the fish getting accedentaly sucked up.
Thanks for the advise, and any more suggestions you might have.


yes, use the screens that are suplied with the powerheads. I personally use sponges on the screens to help clean up the water.