

new here so bear with me. how does a powerhead to provide current, air, electricity or what. the benefits of a powerhead byitself? which ones are the best for a 55g setup?


Active Member
A powerhead just has a pump in it--you plug it into the wall, it pulls water and pushes it out at high velocity. Benefits of powerheads are increasing water circulation which in turn allows for oxygen exchange which in turn keeps your fish from suffocating! :eek: I've had good luck with Rio powerheads--maybe 3-4 Rio 180's for a 55 g tank depending on what else you have providing circulation in your tank. The rule of thumb is you want to turn over 10x your volume of water an hour. So, if you have 50 gallons you want to be turning over at least 500 gallons per hour between powerheads, filters, and skimmers. I'd purchase your powerheads based upon that...
and ps, welcome to the board :D


Active Member
Just some more info..
The power head that provides current also carries the oxygen enriched water to areas that would otherwise becom stagnet.
It does not add 02 to the water. It does move it through the tank though.
You can add 02 into the water through your filtration, and surface aggitation.. Aim your power heads across the top of the water and it will cause ripples which will draw 02 into the water..

nm reef

Active Member
Circulation is vital for a marine system to properly function. Basically a powerhead pulls water in and ejects it out causing a current to flow thru your system. The benefits are many but the primary benefits are water movement and gas exchange. I prefer Maxi-Jets myself and in my 55 I have 4 that are positioned behind the rock work and a couple towards the top(one on each side). A decent rule of thumb is to provide approximately 10x your water volume in circulation. So for a 55 gal display I'd suggest about 550 GPH in current minimum. I go for a random effect with currents swirling to&fro.:cool:

to the board.