Powerheads off when feeding?


I have 3 900Maxi-jet Powerheads running in my 72 gal. When I place food in the tank it really moves around. I have thought about turning the PH off each time, but this requires me crawling begining the stand twice a day. I also thought chasing the food may be more interesting for the fish (only 2 clowns right now). What do the rest of you do?


No. I can not think of a reason why anyone would turn off their power heads except for cleaning. They will make your food go all over the tank, assuring that all fish will have a chance to eat.


New Member
If I turned mine off the bottom and slower feeders would hardly get anything, I used to do that.
I do turn any filters off though.
Everything is on a timer so I only had to mess with it once. The lights come on, the filter goes off for a couple of hours and I feed the tank.
I turn the skimmer off when I feed plankton or add nutrients. I only do this when I get a mind to, or I'd put it on a timer too.


I'm so new at this that I hesitate to reply but I turn off my powerheads and all other circulation devices while feeding.
That way the bottom feeders will be able to snack for a while before things start blowing around. It also makes it easier to coax my shrimp out for some hand-feeding training. I also place some food on the ricordeas so they can get a grip before the current takes it away. It is usually off for a total of 10-15 minutes.
I've only got the following in my 125g reef:
6 green chromis
2 neon blue goby
1 black cap basslet
3 peppermint shrimp
10 large mexican turbos
20 astrea snails
60 assorted hermit crabs (scarlet/blue/mystery)
7 green ricordea