

New Member
I would like sweeping type power heads.
Everything I have read on here says the PowerSweep is junk. Been searching but cant seem to find sweeping PH's in other brands. Not concerned about a sweep it could be rotary etc. Will be putting a few in a 180 gallon reef.

mpls man

Active Member
Drop me a e-mail and i'll tell you a place where you can find a powersweep powerhead ...hummer1011@netzero.com


I've got 4 of them. (2) 214's and (2) 228's, I think those are the model numbers. The larger ones stop about weekly, the smaller ones normally go 1 month before I need to clean them. They aren't too bad if you use the filters and don't mind cleaning them.



Originally posted by DamnDamsel
Shame there is nothing designed better yet. Who would not pay more to have less maintenance.

agreed, but the whole physics of it makes it hard to accomplish. Have you seen the oceansmotions valves and revolutions? Not PH's but very nice.


New Member
No, I really have no clue what to look for. Willing to spend on equipment to get the flow I want just unsure what/where to look.


check em out here,
not too shabby and the company is also working on a wave box similair to the new tunze wavebox.
I imagine you could use just the revolutions with something like a SCWD too, they just need something that will alternate output between exits.


Active Member
A SCWD on a closed loop will gige you an alternating current, and a "WaveMaker" powerstrip and a couple of standard PHs will work nearly as well and is less costly to set up...
The rotating PHs can be a pain to keep clean and opperating...