

Just wondering how much I should use in a 110 gallon tank I am making a reef tank I want to keep some fish, corals, and anonemies.


can you break down the diffrence? when you say closed loops do you mean with spray bars from the return of the fuge/sump


Active Member
A closed loop is when you set up a dedicated pump for water flow. Many people use the SCWD or ocean motion devises to give random flows. A typical setup would have two to four outlets going back to the tank and one coming from the tank.
Three main advantages I see is one, your tanks not junked up with several powerheads, two, you have one pump to maintain and three you can get more flow out of them depending on the pump.
Do a search... I'm sure there are diagrams around & I know there's lots of information around.


Yes that is the best way, but I remember first getting into the hobby and "new" "technical" things sort of scared me :eek: If the closed loop things scares you I suggest Maxijet powerheads.
You'll want to filter "about" 20x the size of the tank. For example, if you had a 50 gallon tank you'd want all of your filters, pumps, skimmers, powerheads, or ??? to equal 1000 gallons per hour. It sounds like a lot but good powerheads flow anywhere from 250-400 gph. And so on........................