

I have a 55g sw fo tank, with a fluval 404 canister filter running and 3 little like dinky things that put out a little streams of water in the tank to keep the water moving, everythings fine, but I would like to know what I need to get to get real ones, and what are the ones that move called? There are no anenomes or coral, just fish, but I want to get some anenomes soon, so best to start w/the powerheads first, if in fact, that's what it is I need. Can anyone help? Thanks


are you looking at wave makers? I have thought about using these too, plus there is a switch board you can get to power all your powerheads and turns them on/off in different patterns to really change out the current look, PLUS, the way it turns on slowly, it doesn't harm you powerheads that much **meaning that PH are not meant to be turned on/off all the time**. Some PH's have a magnetic drive so that you do not have to worry about the on/off issue at all.
If your just looking for more "umph", just get a PH that'll pump out more. I have only 4 in my tank, but each pumps about 550gph, plus my filtration which all together pumps out about 1300gph, and I still sometimes feel I need more. My reef tank loves the flow, my aggressive really doesn't that much. I have to use weaker PH's cause my puffer hates them...really.