

New Member
I have a 75 gallon with a couple fish, and a few corals (mushrooms, leathers, fox coral)
I think I need to add a powerhead or two. Could ya all give me some advice on how many I need? I saw on one website that I should have a turnover of 300 gph.. there is one PH I see that has a 295 gph turnover. So, do I need ONE of those, or should I pick up two?
I'm running a protein skimmer and I have a tidepool filter.


New Member
LOL...good question. I've been doing a lot of reading about corals needing water flow in the tank. I have a corner flow tank..so I'm not really concerned about the one side of the tank's flow rate, as the water seems to move along fairly well on that side, but on the opposite end, it doesn't have the flow the other side does.


Active Member
By "corner flow" tank I will assume you mean there is an overflow in the corner that leads to a filter that then has a return hose. If this is the case the water input should be at the other end. If you mean that there is a built in filter in the corner and doesnt seem to circulate the other end then sure, I'd get one. Since your just looking to push som cuurent around in a 4' tank, I would just go with a small one with a foam filter on the intake.