


are one thing im really confused about...
i havent added any yet, but im going to this weekend...
Do they need a pump?
what kind of powerhead do i need for a 55 gallon tank?
i was looking at getting two.... so i dont have to get 1 real strong one.. i can get 2 avg ones (gph) ?


powerheads don't need a pump. they are the pump. there is an impeller inside driven by a magnet.
i would recommend the maxijets. two 900 models should work work just fine.


Active Member
I use two 600s in my 55 reef and only keep one plugged in at a time... 900's may be too strong.


Originally Posted by SCSInet
I use two 600s in my 55 reef and only keep one plugged in at a time... 900's may be too strong.
really? the 600 models only do 160 gph. the 900s do 230? in a 55 gal that would only be 230(2)=560 or a turnover of 10x. i suppose it all has to do with what other flow there is.


Get the 900s and later on get a wavemaker to plug them into. I have a 105gallon with 2 1200s and a zoo-med. I would not recommend the zoo-med 228. I bought it because the head is supposed to oscilate it stopped working the first day. The maxijets are far better IMO. I will be adding a wavemaker very soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
really? the 600 models only do 160 gph. the 900s do 230? in a 55 gal that would only be 230(2)=560 or a turnover of 10x. i suppose it all has to do with what other flow there is.

Exactly... I guess everyone's advice on specific models, mine included, would have to be qualified with more information... vis-a-vis... the main filter.
On my 55 reef, the main filter puts out near 500GPH, so there's your 10x turnover right there. The problem I ran into with the maxi-jets is that their nozzle design creates a very intense flow area. This is not a bad thing, but in my situation, with both 600s running, could not find a low flow spot nor create one in the tank where my frogspawn and hammers would be happy. The flow was so strong there was no way these corals would not have been damaged. The one running 600 plus my main filtration keeps everything moving around quite a bit, but not so much that tentacles are torn asunder.


Thanks guys....
But... if i get 2 600's... whats t he benefits of having two when your only going to use one?
In that case wouldnt it just be best to just get one? hence: running one at a time.
thanks for the quick answers


we need to know what else you have for flow and filtration.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bsd230
Get the 900s and later on get a wavemaker to plug them into. I will be adding a wavemaker very soon.
i don't like using a wavemaker with powerheads. the turning on and off of the powerheads will wear out the motor. imo it is best to leave them running.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jesses89
Thanks guys....
But... if i get 2 600's... whats t he benefits of having two when your only going to use one?
In that case wouldnt it just be best to just get one? hence: running one at a time.
thanks for the quick answers

the point is to have a differing water circulation pattern, use one then the other to promote growth and movement from all sides of your corals and inverts. also it helps to avoid dead spots in the tank, think of it this way, if you stand behind a wall and the wind is blowing you don't feel it. but if the wind changes directions and you dont move then you will feel it. you just have to make sure everything is getting the proper flow rate.


New Member
This leads me to another question.....I have a 15g tank with 2 clowns, diamond goby and snails, and live rock and live sand. I have 2 powerheads, both on one end of the tank, with one blowing high and the other blowing low. Should I place them at separate ends to make a circular flow?


Originally Posted by doody00
This leads me to another question.....I have a 15g tank with 2 clowns, diamond goby and snails, and live rock and live sand. I have 2 powerheads, both on one end of the tank, with one blowing high and the other blowing low. Should I place them at separate ends to make a circular flow?

yes, this would be common and logical practice.


Active Member
I have my powerheads on 2 15min interval timers..on 15..cuts off the other comes on 15 then cuts off...make shift WM