Powersweep Questions?????


what size power sweeps should i use in a 150 gal reef. in order to get good water aeration and flow for corals???? and are wave masters really worth getting?:notsure:


Depending on if you have corals and the setup of your tank I would recoomend the 228. But at the same time if you have corals everywhere and you are afraid to have too much water flow on them then maybe get a couple different sizes. I just ordered (2) of the 228s. I am going to put one in each of the back corners of my tank plus I have a 214 in the center of my back wall along with my other filtration that moves water. I have a normal powerhead that I use to move water closer to the sand that runs along the back wall just to keep water moving down low. Hope this helps


sure does thanks.. so that normal head just in down deep in the back of the tank moving water back there behind rocks and stuff. and your corner ones do they push h20 towards the middle front.. ie from the corner towards the front glass?


exactly, the powerhead just moves the water in the back of the tank from one side to the other just to help with circulation down low (if you get too close to the sand make sure you have a pre-filter so sand doesnt get in the powerhead). The powersweeps in the corners push the water from the back corner to the center/front center but one is going to be a few inches lower on one side


We keep responding to both posts instead of jst one. I was mistaken... The 226 was $17.99 and the 228 is $22.49. I got them at "That Pet Place". I bet if you turned those three words into one word and added .com you may be able to find them:D
I apologize if this breaks any rules!!!:notsure:


Active Member
I believe I had 2 of the 228, if not they were for sure powersweeps none the less. They were great in the beginning, but broke down over time, IME. Loved the sweeping action, but about a year later they just got stuck--no more sweeping. Keep that in mind, I doubt I am the only one this happened to. Went and bought penguins to replace (all the LFS had)--they lost flow after a few months, so now off to maxi jets.


okay I am going to take everyones word on this and get the Maxi 1200 instead of the Powersweep 228s. Luckily the company I bought the Powersweeps from had them on back order so I was able to call and switch my order to the Maxi 1200. I just liked the idea of the power sweep moving the water back and forth but if everyone says go Maxi then thats what I will do.


What size was your powersweep?
I still have a PS214 in the tank that seems to be going just fine but i am going to try the Maxi 1200 to see which last longer


Active Member

Originally posted by FishFishKC
okay I am going to take everyones word on this and get the Maxi 1200 instead of the Powersweep 228s.

I believe the 900's are the ones to get. They are about the same as the 1200's, but I believe less on the electric bill or something like that. Dig around, it's been mentioned numerous times.