PPE Zoos


Hey I just got a single polyp frag of a PPE zoo/paly. Its fully open and doing great, but its color could be more intense. Any tips on intensifying the color? I've only had it in there for about 3 days. Its under 70 watt MH on the substrate. thanks!


Active Member
you'll just have to play around with where it is, i'd love to see pictures...most normally the ppe that people get are not very close to the colorations that you see out there...but show a pic anyways! lol Oh, but since you havent had it long...you may want to wait to move it for a week or so..sometimes it can take a little while for zoos to color up...i know when ive gotten certain zoos that i know will color differently in my tank it cant take a week plus for it to reach that full color...moving it alot every day or so may make it worse, and make the zoo mad

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I want a zoanthid that eats people!
well if u could settle for a toadstool that eats small children...i saw one the other day on the threads