Praying mantis

el guapo

Active Member
Its a praying mantis and a damsel fly . Its some what grusome but at the same time the speed with which the mantis moves is absolutly amazing. We had one as a pet for a while at work we cought it on an inbound trailer .We would feed it millers and moths and all sorts of crazy stuff . Some wise guy thought it would be cool to feed it a wasp
Yeah not such a good idea .


Praying mantis are protected here in massachusettes
can be fined for harming them
but they are cool critters they eat their mate after they have mated lol

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by brenda5826
Praying mantis are protected here in massachusettes
can be fined for harming them
but they are cool critters they eat their mate after they have mated lol
and CT, they are our state bug!