Pre Cured Live Rock


New Member
Hey, I'm new the salt water hobby. How cured is's Premium Fiji ? Can it be added to my tank right away? My tank is up and running with Chromis/Tang/Clowns/Damsel. It sure is much less expensive than the$ 7.00 lb. - the Pet store. I dont have an additional tank to finish the curing process. I dont really know how to do it either.


any rock ordered online is going to need to be cured before adding it to an established system
i dont know why online vendors offer "cured live rock"


Active Member
I just bought some on line, and dont have an extra tank either. I use a plastic tub, with an extra power head, and heater. I am going to leave it in there a few weeks, then add to my main tank.


i just finished curring 25# of LR i ordered on line.... i put it in a tub with heater ( set at 80 ) , and a power head....took 8 days to is a pic of it in the 18 gal container....

cool guy

New Member
why do you have to cure rocks. I am very new at saltwater and don't know very much right now. Help me to understand as far as setting up and what steps to take


when the rock is shiped or been out of the water more than a few hours,,,,,organisms and such in the rock will start dieing off...when i recived my LR in the mail it had been out for 4 days....when i placed it in the container and tested the water the next day the ammonia was off the charts...past 8.0 ppm...that kind of level will just about kill anything off...if you start a tank with nothing in it..just LS,LR and salt water it will be fine...if you have a tank that is already cycled than it will crash it and start the cycle over....hope this helps