Precola Clown tank... need some help!!!


I have a 5.5 gal tank with perfect water conditions. I have 2 Precola clowns that are under an inch a piece in the tank. The one seems to be more docile and his lower fins are slightly chewed up now. Is it the other fish is more aggressive and attacking it? Any ideas. I do not have an anemone in the tank. Would getting one even it out a bit? I also have a peppermint shrimp and three hermit crabs in the tank. It is crushed coral bottom with a black background. Any advice would be appreciated. Also is there another small fish that could live in harmony with these clowns?


your tank already has too much in it don't add anything else. sometimes two clowns don't get along, so that may be why the other one isn't looking too well. But I think that it is over stocked. Have you cycled your tank yet?


it was cycled using a yellow tailed damsel and three hermit crabs. so 1 inch of fish three dime sized hermits and a small peppermint shrimp no bigger than a quarter is too much?


You said two percs. I doubt, they are only half an inch a peice. Plus, that is not as big as they get, plus a 5 1/2 gallon aquarium fluctuates like crazy. I know it can be done, and you can probably add more and have success, I just wouldn't do it. I just think one perc would be better than two


After watching the tank for a bit it seems the fin is growing back but the peppermint shrimp seems fiesty. It charges the perculas. Also they are that small as I know a breeder that supplies the local pet store. How big will they get. Won't the tank limit their size somewhat? Maybe I just will add an anemone and leave it at that if the percs will grow.