Predator Tank: Starting with 55 upgrading to 200 gal


New Member
I have a 55 gal aquarium and I want to start a predator tank and one day upgrade to a 200 gal to safely and happily home a bamboo cat shark.
First let me say that I am experienced with aquariums and I am fully aware of the commitment and money it takes to care for such large aquariums. However I don't have as much experience with predators so that's why I'm inquiring for advice and help on that particular subject.
My initial plan is to start with these 3 animals in the 55:
1.) Huma Huma Trigger -OR- Volitan Lionfish (I hear these fish don't do well together so I'm still deciding which one to get, if that's not true please correct me)
2.) Porcupine Puffer
3.) Snowflake Eel
I'm hoping/guessing that a 55 is big enough to start with just these 3 but I understand these fish can far outgrow a 55 as they reach adulthood. So my first question is: Is this an acceptable environment for these fish and are they compatible?
When I upgrade to the 200 I plan on adding these:
1) Bamboo cat shark (I'm interested in hatching him/her in the tank but I'm not very educated on the pros and cons of that)
2) Naso Tang
-At this point I think I may be risking overcrowding so I would be happy with just these fish.
I want these fish to happy, healthy and compatible. I want to do it right!
- My wishful thinking wants to add a blue spotted stingray but I'm not sure if the 200 with all these fish will provide enough space for it. Let me know of your thoughts on that.
So overall I'm wondering if these fish are compatible and if not which ones should I substitute?
And most importantly is a 200 gal big enough for the bamboo shark? If not are there other sharks more suitable for that size tank?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'm not trying to rush into this and like I said I want to do it right so any other suggestions would be great!
Thank You


sharks like the circular tanks and or racetrack styles. justa heads
do you plan on getting a protein skimmer and a sump/fuge at all?
the 3 fish you plan to start out with produce a huge bioload since they are all messy eaters....


Well-Known Member
depends on the sizes of the fish...i think eels are prone to eating watever as long as it fits.
Id stick with 3 fish or an eel and a fish in a 55g
+1 u will need a protein skimmer for a 200g tank which isnt something u buy every day.
U need to feed that baby lots...
No lionfish? These are my thoughts


I have a bit of experience with lionfish, so I can help you a out there. A well-fed P. volitans will outgrow a std. 55 gal setup in as little as a year. Ours was TINY when we got it, and outgrew 3 tanx (6, 24, 60) before ending up in a 48" x 24" x 20" 100 gal. If you want to keep a lion in the 55 indefinitely, you could go with one of the medium-bodied (P. mombassae, P. radiata, P. antennata, P. sphex) or a dwarf (Dendrochirus) species. Of the dwarf species, I recommend D. brachypterus (fuzzy dwarf). you could even keep a M-F pair or M-F-F harem of fuzzies.
20 years ago, I kept a volitans for 10 years with a Diodon
puffer and a SFE with no troubles.
I have also kept a picasso/huma trigger (R. aculeatus
)...they grow a lot more slowly than lionfish, and if you go that route, I recommend it be the final fish in the 55, as it will tend to harrass any newcomers once it's established.


Well-Known Member
A little experience, he says. Ha! You , sir, are our resident "This-fish-might-poison-you" fish expert. How goes the Things With Stings, tank, anyway? Updates, man, updates!