Predators galore


New Member
RO water costs money to buy or requires equipment which costs money to buy. The frequent water changes will enable me to keep my water of a lot higher quality.
I am new so maybe I am missing something.


Active Member
i see no point but you could i mean why go through all the trouble to go out to the ocean every time you need to do a water change


New Member
Maybe a picture will help illustrate the location and why the ocean is no trouble to reach.
To the right (keep clicking to enlarge/zoom)

And the left (keep clicking to enlarge/zoom)

Those are fisherman that will be catching my feeder fish they trawl by hand


New Member
I am not arguing with you, were just discussing and I appreciate it. Sorry if it comes off confrontational in anyway. So are there any corals I could have hardest of the hard as such?


Active Member
saltynay, sounds like you have a great resource available to you in the ocean. Where are you located? seems to me you have a very unorthidox mixture of critters to keep in a tank as you wish list. Remember the lion fish will eat whatever can fit in it's mouth, and their mouths open very wide!
Is the tank going in a home, business? Seems you have a very large space to use and a tank that large is going to require a lot of maintenance and money to setup and keep up.


New Member
Whoops double post although a convenient response popped up. I am in Da Nang Vietnam. The tank is for a work space although atm I am working 95 hour weeks so its for me mainly and I can just convince the bosses that its work related trust me its easily done. I know lionfish are highly predatory but there mouths will be well fed on smaller fish. The setup cost is actually very low I can get the tank for about 100USD and the sump around 15USD, trying to find quality equipment is a different matter. The fish are also very cheap as I can purchase them direct from the fisherman so overall costs are quite low. Maybe 5USD worth of food per week and 10USD power.


Active Member
Okay, still gonna be some predation IMO. If it were me I would forget the shark and go with the rest. Using the actual sea water will be a good thing IMO if you are getting it far enough off shore to ensure little to no contaminants from runoff for the land. Sounds like a great project. Can you post up some pictures even if for now they are just the space where the tank will go etc?


New Member
Sharks are awesome though and it is a shame to deny awesomeness. lol I want this tank to show people what is living in our oceans and to get them excited so that I can sell them diving trips ect. having heavy hitters will help in that cause. I am also a passionate fish lover so I don't want to cause unnecessary harm to my livestock which is an interesting balance at times.