Pregnant Shrimp - Photo!


My cleaner shrimp is "expecting"!!! :D Click on the link to see a hi-res photo! You can see the eggs quite clearly in her abdomen area.
If anyone has had any experience with raising "little ones", I'd be interested in hearing from you.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


One more try:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Hmmm... seems to work fine from my computer. Is there a way to embed the photo in the body of a message?


It's a cleaner shrimp. The male shrimp in the tank is very protective of her. Won't let her move more than an inch away from him!


Cleaner shrimp are my favorite. I have had sucess with other species, but never L. amboinensis. Check out this link.
<a href="" target="_blank">Lysmata amboinensis</a>


Thanks for the link! It explained a lot about the behaviour of our shrimp lately and where they are in the cycle.


Active Member
cleaners are both male and female(all shrimp are), and mine go through this every couple of weeks, when they molt, good luck raising them though, filters and your fish will probably get them, and when they molt they release the eggs and the other fertilizes them whein it molts, knda goofy, but they will all do it, and raising is very hard, i wish it were easier, it would be much cheaper to buyt hem, if they reared easily
and yes, those are eggs
dont mean to dissapoint you, but the shrimp babies usually dont survive in a tank. If you have a refugium, i would recommend moving it there, otherwise, you are raising fish food.
good luck to you.


Well I thought the same thing had happend with my shrimp, the emrald green balls in the belly of the shrimp. The other shrimp in the tank had not had eggs, so I assumed he was a guy, but it was actually a female. So watch the other one to make sure he/she is a guy........good luck! Get a small tank, a bubbler, and some plankton in a bottle to feed, keep the water at a steady temp of 78.