Preparing for a Hurricane


i love hurricans they are awsome ( when nothing happens to you) god be with you. also i havent checked r n e of the outer bands gonna hit florida the west coast?


The air pump works with the car outlet. Cool.
Wingzfan, well I'm somewhat embarrassed to say all I have are some snails and liverock. Oh, and a huge herd of pods (seriously HUGE). I don't want to loose anything, and I certainly don't want to have to start from scratch again. I really wanted to know what other people were doing, or had done to prepare for such emergencies. Also the hurricane season has a bit to go before it's over. I had planned on picking up some more livestock, but now I'm going to wait until after the season is over. Then I get to start again next year. And by then I'll have LOTS to loose! ugh.
Dksart, for us out this way it was Rita, not Katrina. We lost our home and so did a great many other people. We have just started over after being displaced for a year, which is why I'm NOT for starting over, with ANYthing! I'm just saying this so everyone understands why I am being a ninny over liverock and snails.
brandon7491, I used to love a good storm too. It becomes a whole different ballgame after you have lost something like a home though. It should pass Florida by. Of course, with a hurricane it's hard to say until it makes landfall. They've hit, and then gone right back put into the Gulf. So who knows.

If it stays on it's current course I'll do a little jig. Then of course I'll feel guilty. (sigh)

reef diver

Active Member
You wont lose anything, with just snails, LR and pods. Pods are SERIOUSLY hardy, I caught a big one, and kept it in isolation for nearly 2 weeks, before I decided to let it return. But I can say, just in the interest of keeping stuff stable, just use the air pump,and wrap a blanket around your tank.


Even with the heat? It's like the surface of the sun out here during the summer. I guess the heat is my main concern. I don't want gumbo. (eww)
You had a giant pod? What type was it? I've been getting a kick out of watching my "scuds". Those are pretty strange critters.
How is Davo?