Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by cryptics http:///forum/thread/384668/preparing-to-setup-my-first-reef-tank-in-2-3-weeks-please-look-at-what-i-have-so-far-and-tell-me-what-i-am-missing-or-did-wrong#post_3370769
That is what I am considering doing now but was going to split off the return not the overflow. Is the overflow better or is it personal preference? Also what do you use to return the water? I haven't had the glass cut yet for the sump so I was considering having them cut a hole for a 1/2'' bulkhead like 2'' from the top and let it drain that way. Does this sound do able?
I don't drill tanks so I use an overflow box from CPR, I was told drilled is better.
I have the Ehiem pump on both of my tanks. On the return hose... I have the 3000 on my 90g and the 2000 on the 30g. They have a knob that also allows me to regulate the amount of power it sends out.
No need to drill a hole. Just set it up where the water overflows to the next chamber, that's what I did with the baffles on mine.
My experts on sumps and refugiums is Acrylic51 and Al&Burke, the plumber expert is 2Quills..they designed and built my system. I know nothing. You can PM them if you want exact details.
Originally Posted by cryptics http:///forum/thread/384668/preparing-to-setup-my-first-reef-tank-in-2-3-weeks-please-look-at-what-i-have-so-far-and-tell-me-what-i-am-missing-or-did-wrong#post_3370769
That is what I am considering doing now but was going to split off the return not the overflow. Is the overflow better or is it personal preference? Also what do you use to return the water? I haven't had the glass cut yet for the sump so I was considering having them cut a hole for a 1/2'' bulkhead like 2'' from the top and let it drain that way. Does this sound do able?

I don't drill tanks so I use an overflow box from CPR, I was told drilled is better.
I have the Ehiem pump on both of my tanks. On the return hose... I have the 3000 on my 90g and the 2000 on the 30g. They have a knob that also allows me to regulate the amount of power it sends out.
No need to drill a hole. Just set it up where the water overflows to the next chamber, that's what I did with the baffles on mine.
My experts on sumps and refugiums is Acrylic51 and Al&Burke, the plumber expert is 2Quills..they designed and built my system. I know nothing. You can PM them if you want exact details.