presidents day


I was just curious as to the public opinion of the way presidents day is treated. Almost every school and lots of other operations are closed for martin Luther king day. Yet, some schools and no operations other than govt operations are closed for presidents day which is supposed to represent all the presidents' birthdays since we basically got rid of Washington or Lincolns birthday. I was just curious as to everyones thoughts on this.


Active Member
I work for the gov't and get double time for both days.. so yay for me... but yeah both pointless really. You can honor the day without taking them off and paying me double.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure the schools in my area are all off for Presidents Day. I have to work, but my wife is off for the day.


Active Member
Give it a few years. They'll change President's Day to Obama Day, then they can combine both holidays into one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Give it a few years. They'll change President's Day to Obama Day, then they can combine both holidays into one.
Dude I didn't get either day off, and I didn't get holiday pay for either one either. So to me it is a non issue. When did they kill washington and Lincoln's birthday?


Active Member
If they were going to create a token holiday for a black person it should been done honor several, there were a whole lot better people than king to honor.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Give it a few years. They'll change President's Day to Obama Day, then they can combine both holidays into one.
Correction, it will everntually be "Lord Obama Day...."

Have to work tomorrow even though all the miltary bases are off... And time sheets are due, so if I want paid, I have to go in...


Active Member
I was actually surprised when I moved down here and found that schools were closed for President's Day and MLK day. In Milwaukee where I grew up, schools were not closed for either day.


i agree with you reefraf. its just unfortunate how some people get clumped together and their actions get lost, but the whole race card still pulls strong even when it seems where becoming the minority, ever seen a white/caucasion only scholarship? Im glad someplaces at least either give both occasions off or work both occasions.


Active Member
the holiday is not meant to celebrate the 44 presidents, or is meant to celebrate Washington. the holiday is "Washington's Birthday", not "Presidents Day" as it is commonly called.
other than Washington, Jefferson and Madison are the only other 2 I can think of that would deserve a holiday.
I have never heard of a public school not closing for this day. if they close for MLK and not for Washington, I would not attend school that day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
If they were going to create a token holiday for a black person it should been done honor several, there were a whole lot better people than king to honor.
Nah wasnt no one who symbloized african amercian rights and fighting for equality than MLK


Active Member
My school doesn't celebrate presidents day, but they do celebrate Cesar Chavez day.... WTF! I'm not feeling school today...


It's a federal holiday, each state observes it how they want. For instance, today the Federal Courts are closed, but our state courts are open. (I work in law). The schools are closed today to. Since both courts are NOT closed,we are here today to.