price check Q??


ok I have decided instead of lugging all my tanks across to TX I am going to sell them off and start over when I get there.I have 9 tanks some of which I am keeping but need to see about priceing range..
I have a 20gal with about 20 LBS of LR a cinnamon clown, 2 blue damsels, 1 jensen wrasse, 1 bicolor chromis, 1 large hermit crab, and 1 CC star 75$?
1 55gal FW tank, stand,filters. with large oranda goldfish and cory cats 200$?
a double setup of 30 gal FW tank with 6 angels a 29 gal SW with 20 lbs of LR just recently setup so no fish on a double wrought iron stand 175$?
the 10's I have given away .
and the 5 sold with all the bettas that I had.
good prices?? or need to go up a little bit??


No I sure dont I started out not using it and was seeing what would happened and was pleased with not using either ( but had money set aside to get them if I needed them LOL)
sorry guy.
BTW a guy came over and offered $1000.00 for all the tanks and I took it more than what I was going to ask sold the Livestock back to LFS for $300.00. now my home looks bare NO TANKS NO FISH> dont know what to think of it yet kinda hard to believe that in just a couple of hours I was completely clean out .. Kinda looks as thought I was robbed lots of

places around the house.. LOL