price check


Active Member
Yes, very good. Very good. Especially for the yellow tang. Just make sure they are in nice condition b4 u get em.


Active Member
Not a BEST price, but average and certainly cheap enough for it to be worth buying there as opposed to mail-order or driving a long way to another not so L FS. The difference in cost isn't enough to make additional hassles worth it. As long as they are healthy, buy them there.



Originally posted by a_diglio
are these good prices>?
common clown~ $19.99
yellow tang~ $21.99
both about 2 inches

Those are very good prices for Ohio. Percula clowns usually run 20-30, and yellow tangs usually around 30-40 around here in cincinnati.



Originally posted by tanis97
price is not that good but if the fish is fine then good
clowns - $11.99
yellow tang - $14.99

Where are you finding these prices? Online? Don't forget to account for shipping costs. If you are finding these prices in your LFS, then, Not Bad!!


there is a couple of in nyc sells the clown for $11.99 but the cheapest yellow tang is found in Fish Town USA in Bay Side, NY for $14.99 (few stores sells it for $16.99). there is also a cleaner shrimp for $15 in a chinese store in brooklyn