Price Question


Does $239.99 sound right for this? Or is it too much?
55 Gallon Tank (48")
Whisper 3 Power Filter
Supreme 200 Watt Heater
50lbs. Natural Gravel
Floating Thermometer
4oz. Water Conditioner


Most often than not, package deals include the "cheap" equipment. Natural gravel doesn't sound good for a saltwater set-up. Is the stand included? I'd price everything individually first before shelling out any $$$ for a package deal. Good luck. COOP.


Well I wanted to compare it to some other places, and I figured asking here would be a good idea. The stand is extra, i forget the price.
My guess is you'll want to be replacing everything, but the tank in the first month. IMPHO, $239 doesn't sound like a good deal for a 55 gal tank. Since that's about the only useful part of the setup, I'd hold off. If you want a deal, look fo an established (i.e. used) setup.


That is expensive. Some of the things included there are worthless like the floating thermometer and the gravel. Shop around and you'll find better deals. Do not rush and you'll save a lot of money.


Active Member
That sounds like too much to me.
I paid $219 (All Glass MSRP) for my 90g by itself to give you an idea. I could have gotten a better deal but was in a hurry.
I would suggest looking in the paper. Last week in our local paper there was an ad in the bargain ads for a 125g w/stand filters etc for $225 and what I think is a 75 (48x18x20) for $20.
Both were gone when I called (day after paper came out)
The problem is you never come across these things when you have the $ or discover them too late.......


Thanks for the info, ya slow and steadys my game. Im doing research until September, which is when im going to start all of this. I go away for the summer, so right now it gives me a good amount of time to learn and compare things.


New Member
If you shop around you can double the tank size for about the same money. The local Petsmart has a 125 tank that one can get for $250.00 :confused: