Price to start a 1st tank


New Member
I was wondering, what is the basic or roundabout price 4 a 1st tank? I was thinking maybe to stay on the cheap side until I can afford the fish to mayb put n a few inverts. Would that b a good idea? :notsure: :help:
Cheap is not the way to go in saltwater fish. Also you need to give us another piece of info ... How big of a tank do you want? Smaller is not easier nor is bigger.
How big of a tank are you looking at getting?
Welcome to the boards though !!! :cheer:


what size tank are you looking at? the price no matter what size is not cheap, do you want to keep a reef? it is always better to buy quality equipment first off then to keep upgrading when you relize the more inexpensive produts just dont do the job you are looking to get from them. the smaller the tank the cheaper it would be to set up, but it is harder to keep a well etablished system.


Price to start a new tank? Generaly expensive to very expensive. But there are ways of obtaining less expensive good used equipment. News paper, local LFS accept trade in's. and this site has the TRADE section, check it out!
Don't start unless you want to be as obsessive as most of us turn out to be LOL. :joy:
:happyfish :happyfish WELCOME


Great question! I wish I had a more realistic idea before I got started. It has been a lot more than I expected and I only have a 30 gallon. And actually I wish I had gotten a 55g. Definitely get the biggest tank you can afford! I have spent $450 so far and I am sure this is on the low end because I bought some used equipment and as many sales and bargains as humanly possible! It's been worth it though because I am now one of the "obsessed"! Here's a run down of what I have bought to give you and others on a budget an idea of what to expect:
I have a fish only with live rock and hardy inverts.
$26 book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" - online
$80 30 gallon tank, hood, and stand, used heater and hang on power filter - used
$130 18 lbs live rock, 15 lbs salt mix, amquel, stresszyme, ro water - from local fish store
$95 1 raw shrimp, 10 gallon qt tank w/ hood and light, 50 lbs aragonite sand,2 thermometers,heater for qt,2 backgrounds, power head for qt, 2 algae scrubbers, 2 nets, 2 pieces pvc pipe, timer, multi outlet, buckets and lids for water, tubing scrubbers, tubing, hydrometer, turkey baster, test kits, fish food - from local pet store and walmart
$65 power head, heater, power filter for 30 g - online
$40 15 various hermit crabs, 1 turbo snail - lfs
$11 2 fish - free molly from lfs and nemo fish on sale for 10.99!
So as you can see the fish are the least of your expenses starting out! PLUS I still need the following:
$45 large bucket salt mix
$25+ more snails and a few more crabs
$90+ reverse osmosis unit for home use
$100+ Protein skimmer
$60+ more live rock
$15 replacement filter cartridges
$12 ground fault interrupter
$20 power head for water bucket
total here = $367
$?? More fish eventually
$?? sump/refuge eventually
$?? better lights/hood for corals/anemones eventually
$?? Bigger tank eventually
So you can see how it gets really expensive really fast. I will have $1000 in this 30 gallon fowlr with 10g qt before it is all over. And I am very cheap, believe me. But I love it and would do it over again!


I'm not sure if I got ripped off, or am just spending too much, but so far, I'm over $3,500 and it's been 3 1/2 months! Once I start adding corals, it'll get even more expensive. It's all good, definitely well worth it.
$800 72 gallon bow tank, glass cover, and stand
$500 4X96 PC lighting system
$220 Cannister Filtration System
$750 90 lbs of Fiji Live Rock
$140 Protein Skimmer
$200 4 MJ Power Heads and a Wavemaster Pro
$220 Kent RO/DI System
$70 Sand
$80 Salt
$120 Refractometer
$80 Heater
$60 Water Test Kit
$120 Additives
$120 10 gallon QT Tank and all setup for it
$70 Timers for lights and power strips
$120 Cleaning Crew
$30 Flame Angel
$20 Yellow Tang
$30 2 Percula Clowns
$10 Royal Gramma
$15 Lawnmower Blenny
$12 Green Mandarin
I missing some stuff, but just to get an idea. Don't forget the increase in electric bill as well!


New Member
Thanks guys 4 all of the information. My wife has a 30 gallon tank that I was going to use. And from the looks of the prices of evrything looks like either i'd have 2 get a 2nd job or either a divorce (LoL), bcause my wife would go nutsy @ the thought of spending xtra money. I like the way all of u guys help out w/comments, u make it seem like a family type atmosphere. Ya'll r the bomb hats off 2 u.


Active Member

Originally posted by HowieUMD
I'm not sure if I got ripped off, or am just spending too much, but so far, I'm over $3,500 and it's been 3 1/2 months! Once I start adding corals, it'll get even more expensive. It's all good, definitely well worth it.
$800 72 gallon bow tank, glass cover, and stand
$500 4X96 PC lighting system
$220 Cannister Filtration System
$750 90 lbs of Fiji Live Rock
$140 Protein Skimmer
$200 4 MJ Power Heads and a Wavemaster Pro
$220 Kent RO/DI System
$70 Sand
$80 Salt
$120 Refractometer
$80 Heater
$60 Water Test Kit
$120 Additives
$120 10 gallon QT Tank and all setup for it
$70 Timers for lights and power strips
$120 Cleaning Crew
$30 Flame Angel
$20 Yellow Tang
$30 2 Percula Clowns
$10 Royal Gramma
$15 Lawnmower Blenny
$12 Green Mandarin
I missing some stuff, but just to get an idea. Don't forget the increase in electric bill as well!

Holy crap you got screwed!!!!!!! BIG time.


I know, the stuff I bought at the LFS I found out was almost double the price as it was online. I was new. I don't go to that LFS anymore, just through this website and another. I've been pretty happy with the online ordering and this message board, wish I knew about it when I started though.


Howiemud I did the same thing but only bought a few of the bigger items and relize that they where way over priced. I kept going back because they gave me alot of attention then when I relize why I stopped going there.
Darknbaldy what I have done after relizeing the bad prices is that I shopped around and I picked my LFS by there big display tanks. The nicer the tank the info and experience they would have. So I started shopping there and at times I would ask if they had any used stuff for sale. I figure if I bought it used by the time it breaks down I would have alittle more knowledge of what I wanted and be able to aford it. In the last year or so I have boughten my sump, VHO ballast, Skimmer, and 2 pumps all used they they still work great. Don't think I have spent over $250 for all and a few more small items. I just bought a 55gal tank for $20 that has 3 section in it so I can place a skimmer, refuge, and a return pump in there.


Active Member
Originally posted by HowieUMD I'm not sure if I got ripped off, or am just spending too much, but so far, I'm over $3,500 and it's been 3 1/2 months! $800 72 gallon bow tank, glass cover, and stand I bought an AGA 210 gallon RR $530 built my own stand $50$500 4X96 PC lighting system Could get Duel MH setup for $425
$220 Cannister Filtration System

Rena,Fluval,Magnum all<$100...Killer 400 gallon Ehiem 2260 $269.
$750 90 lbs of Fiji Live Rock

Not too bad if you got to pick it out yourself...$5/lb on-line
$140 Protein Skimmer

Now HERE you should have spent MORE...:D
$200 4 MJ Power Heads and a Wavemaster Pro

That's fair...Wavemaster Pro is cool...
$220 Kent RO/DI System

Under $200 for a Hi-S 60gpd
$70 Sand

Southdown $5/bag
$80 Salt

Better be TWO 200 gallon buckets...
$120 Refractometer

$50 most everywhere
$80 Heater

Better be Computer controled Titanium w/ LCD display..
$60 Water Test Kit

Good for a couple Saliferts...Otherwise "Big4" $30
$120 Additives

At $10-$12 a bottle..What and How Much did you get...?
$120 10 gallon QT Tank and all setup for it

$9 for tank, $12 heater,$20 for PH/sponge filter
$70 Timers for lights and power strips

$10 standard,$20 digital,strips $6, you didn't mention GFCI...:eek:
$120 Cleaning Crew

Packge deal is cool,but you can buy them a couple at a time as need "grows"
$30 Flame Angel

$20 Yellow Tang

$30 2 Percula Clowns

$10 Royal Gramma

$15 Lawnmower Blenny

$12 Green Mandarin

Decent LFS pricing on rest of livedtock...
Didn't write this to make you feel bad HowieUMD...
Just that those kind of prices can scare off alot of shoping around, shopping on-line, and looking for deals most anybody can cut that price in half, maybe more...


Here is your best bet...
This seriously is the best idea. I looked for 2 months and finally got something. for $350 I got....
46 Gallon Bow
Standard light
10 Gallon sump
2 Power heads
protein skimmer
mech filter
35 lbs live rock
2 inch of sand/crushed coral
testing kit
10 gallon hospital tank w/ hang on filter, heater, light
4 boxes of instant ocean
8 packages of brine shrimp
Yellow tang
hippo tang
purpe tang
big maroon clown
3 green chromis
flame hawkfish
2 pec clowns
4 great books
and a bunch of other little stuff...
there are good deals out there.....


Active Member

Originally posted by FishyTim
Here is your best bet...
there are good deals out there.....


Also online sites and ads around where you are willing to pick something up. I found a great 125 gallon for $250 brand new AGA in an online ad. I had to drive 3 hours to get it, and pick it up and drive back, but hey it was worth it! Search all classified ads and sites like this within a radius of where you live. HTH


New Member

Originally posted by Jag3365
Also online sites and ads around where you are willing to pick something up. I found a great 125 gallon for $250 brand new AGA in an online ad. I had to drive 3 hours to get it, and pick it up and drive back, but hey it was worth it! Search all classified ads and sites like this within a radius of where you live. HTH

Would you be willing to help out us newbies, and post some of the sites where you found the tank....


Active Member
depending on where u live could be a good place to look - they only offer a bulletin board to trade/sell stuff. also ---- - its a great way to get stuff for a lot less. Costs vary a lot, but if you have the time and ablity you can save money, a lot of money. You may want to look around to find a local forum, BAR (for the bay area) meets, does frag swaps as well as equip sales/trades.


Well I would if you lived around me. All I did was search online newspaper classifieds for any city I could think of within a state's radius from me. Also did website searches for aquariums, fish stores, etc in the states I was willing to go to. Sometimes you get lucky.


I spent around 1100 dollar all the togather for everything on my 55 gallon. I still need more LR as I on;y have 10lbs of real "LR" and 10lbs of "display" rock from my LFS. That allso includes getting 324watt T5 light hood. Alot of stuff came from LSF with sell some things for as much as 2x what you can get them for online!!



Originally posted by FishyTim
Here is your best bet...
This seriously is the best idea. I looked for 2 months and finally got something.

Definitely a good idea... I found a 100g w/ stand and accessories for FREE!!! You haul.... too bad the phone was always busy. I could've found a friend to help me move it, and I've go two trucks.