Princess Parrotfish


Can someone give me some info on this fish? I saw one in a shop and i put it on hold cause i had to go somewhere and the shop was closed when I left that place. I saw it was eating and was free of disese. Will it get along in a 125 with
1.V. Lion
2.Picasso Trigger
3.Pinktail Trigger
4.Yellow Tang
5.Snowflake Eel
I already have all these fish. Before anyone gets exited over triggers with lions i got them from people who had the for over 6 months and they had lions that had all there fins.


Well, I got the Parrot. Polly is sooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty. I will have pics once i can find my camera. Polly Want A Crack A Rock?


Active Member
IMO, a bad choice. They get HUGE, and they have a TOTALLY different diet than your other fish. DO NOT feed them only meat. They would normally eat on LR and corals, etc...literally biting HUNKS out of them. I would investigate making feeding blocks for them out of plaster or something, that includes various spirulina and other additives.


Active Member
But it is COOOOOOLLLLLL to see them poop sand. :yes: Well, in the wild at least. Which is where I would leave most except in public aquaria.


Active Member
We, uh, used to have some but they were put in totally inappropriate tanks (with aggressive feeders) and with an aquarist who didn't give a darn about it.