prizm hang-on skimmers


Active Member
The prizm does not require a pump. They are loud skimmers. Give yourself a good 5 inches between your tank and wall.


The Prizm is not loud. I have one that is only 3 weeks old that I will sell if you're interested. The only thing wrong with it is that between the time I mailordered it and when it arrived, I had trade in my 65 gallon for a 137 gallon. The Prizm is only rated for 90 gallon tank, so I think I need a bigger one
e-mail me if you're interested


by the way, you only need about 3 inches of clearance at the back. It's approximately 8 1/2 inches wide and 13" long. It comes with a pump, and I can hardly hear it run.


Active Member
It is a good skimmer but I would not use it on anything larger than a even though they say 90.


Gotta Disagree!
Yes, its easy, it doesnt require a pump, and its a good pump, but its LOUD
I loved my tank before because I couldnt even HEAR my fluval 304, but this thing sounds like you have a #&*#! waterfall in your house! I guess you could get used to it, and Ill keep mine, but its medium quiet at best! Cheap on ----!


Must be something wrong with the loud one. I have one on my tank now with a Fluval 304 and a Fluval 404. The Whisper air pump is the loudest thing there. Can't even tell if the Prizm is running until I stand right next to it.


Hey chris, just a thought but if it sounds like a watetfall is your water level lower than the water return ramp, i mean is the water falling into your tank or is it flowing into you tank and not dropping before it hits the water serface in the tank? Just a thought...i have never know this skimmer to be that loud.....has some noise but not as bad as some out there.


I have a Prizm and and certainly have never heard any "Waterfall" sounds. Has to be low water levels in the tank. Some of the "older" Prizms came with a 12 blade impellor. IF you call Red Sea, they will send you a free 18 blade impellor at no cost. I also found that if you fill the dry chamber where the inlet tube goes in with either water or cotton balls, it is even more quiet. The only sound I hear is a slight buzzing sound and from what I understand, all skimmers make that sound.


i think the website is:
I just got my skimmer through mailorder last night and was flipping thru the book...I think thats what they said it was.


Active Member
Some canopies will not open if you put a prizm right against the tank . So if you do need to move the prizm back away from the tank to allow your canopy to open like I have to then you will need a good 5 inches of space between your tank and wall. Plus if you plan to take the chamber off then the three inches will make if difficult, exspecially when the oring starts to stretch from repeated removing of the collection cup. I siphon my prizm out so the only time that I remove the collection cup is once every two months when I clean it.


I set mine up last night and it is completely silent. I woke up today and there is a little nasty brown foam in the cup. Seems to be working well!