Prizm is LOUD!?!


New Member
Starting up a new 46 gallon bow-front reef tank. I just got my live rock yesterday, so I turned on the Prizm skimmer for the first time. Seems to work great with alot of efficent fine bubbles. But my main concern is that it is LOUD. You can hear the thing two rooms away. I have the air hose connected to second port, but that doesn't do much to lower the volume. Is this normal? I heard alot of praise about it on the board, seems to be all correct, minus the volume factor :)


Staff member
Yes, prizms are too loud IMO. However, over time it will either tone down as it breaks in, or you'll get used to it.
I am currently working on re-vamping my own setup and have the prizm off at the moment--the peace and quiet in the house is great! Not sure that you can find a hang on skimmer that won't be loud, though, but, if you do, let me know.


Active Member
I am a bit surprised on this post. My Prism to me is very quiet compared to all the other noises coming from my fish room. As discussed before my Skilters are much louder but since my room is in the basement it doesn't bother us when we are upstairs. I do agree with beth tho that it is louder for the first week till it settles down. One of the things that impressed me was it quiet running. So I guess that supports different strokes for different folks.


New Member
You can quite the prizm a little by adding some water to the other chamber(the side that houses the motor)It helps


New Member
I added some water to the chamber above the motor. It seemed to help alittle bit. I wasn't able to fill it up with much water though, because one of the seams started to leak. I'll have to stop and get some model glue or something. Anyway, thank you all for the help.


dont glue the motor in....i would use a lubercent like a vasaline or something like to help seal the moter...but dont use vasaline...its not the right thing to use on saltwater...i be willing to bet some has a better lube to use..dont want the seal to be permanent...need to be able to take apart to clean