Prizm Protein Skimmer & Nature’s Ocean® Bio-Activ Live™ Aragonite


New Member
Just wanted to see if anyone has any opinions on the Prizm Hang-On Protein Skimmer by Red Sea. I would like to use it for a 20 gal mini reef tank.
I would also like to know if any one has used Nature’s Ocean® Bio-Activ Live™ Aragonite to cycle their tank and what they thought of it.


Active Member
I have one and it works very well on my 55 gallon fish and live rock.


New Member
Prizm=junk, enough said, this is not a cheap hoby, don't buy things that you will eventually throw away, cya. :D
I may be mistaken, and if I am I apologize in advance, but you are beginning to sound like someone who used to be around here before lion-fish. You have a new name....... :eek:
P.S. I stand by the Prizm recommendation.