Prizm Skimmer


I have a Prizm Protein Skimmer that is for 100 gallons and I am having trouble. Everything seems to be working, but I am unable to get foam on the top. I believe that this may be my problem: Do I attach the upper air tube to the Hose Barb or the Priming Plug? If you have any other suggestions, I am more than willing to listen. Thank you in advance for your help.


i have the prizm deluxe.. I dont use either of the barbs. I have about a 2' air line connected to the supplied one. I did this to quiet it down and it is collecting a ton of foam. The priming plug is only for starting the skimmer to get all the air out. Use the hose barb or do what i do.


How long does it take in order to get foam? It appears that I have everything hooked up correctly, so will it take weeks or months in order to see foam?

cap'n pete

1. make sure water level in tank or sump (where ever you have it installed) is at least half way up the siphon tube. The harder the unit has to work to pull water, the less it will produce productive foam.
2. connect the airline to position no. 1, the closed barb and keep it on for several minutes with the flow restrictor fully open. This will make sure there is no air left in the siphon.
3. once you are positive there is no air in the siphon, attach airline to the open barb
4. watch the foam column and adjust the flow restrictor if necessary. it could take several days to get any productive foam, especially if there is little to skim (ie low bioload, newer tank, etc). Just make sure there is a good amount of bubbles being produced, if not you need to check your assembly and where the fit of the siphon


New Member
I have a Prizm too. I've been running it for the past month and the foam collection is not very high right now but like Cap said my tank is new and the BIO load is not very high right now.