Prizm skimmers


Does anyone have an opinion on a prizm skimmer? I am looking into a new hob protein skimmer to go on my 225g...I have a seaclone 150 which does a really good job, but it is not enough ( had a seaclone 100 too, but I broke it)..I would like something fairly simple like the seaclone...
Anyone ever run a seaclone w/o the foam prefilter?


Thanks for the info., I think I will skip that one too. I really like my seaclone, but it is only for 150g and I have a 225g tank...I empty the cup constantly, and have to clean the filter almost 2x a week....
Originally Posted by meowzer
Thanks for the info., I think I will skip that one too. I really like my seaclone, but it is only for 150g and I have a 225g tank...I empty the cup constantly, and have to clean the filter almost 2x a week....
From what I have read and been told by people with tons of 1st hand experience no HOB skimmer can handle a tank of your size. Maybe you could run 2 HOB's? I honestly don't know. I have a Warner H2 that does GREAT but I think it is rated for 80G. I also just ordered a Octopus BH-2000 so I can compare them. With a tank that large don't you have a sump?


No, I was thinking of having one made for me in a couple of months though,,I did have 2 hob skimmers...I broke one.


Sorry, I meant have a sump made for me...I was going to hold off on a skimmer til then, but I think I need another skimmer sooner.


Active Member
You should really go out and check out some other skimmers, I have owned a seaclone and compared to my current skimmer there is no contest in performance or reliability. My seaclone did not produce near the quantity of skimmate and it took constant fiddling to keep it running.
If you are planning a sump I would hold off until you get the sump set up to buy another skimmer. HOB skimmers don't work well in sump so you would be money ahead to wait and buy an in sump skimmer. Besides a skimmer is not required to have a successful tank.