probably a stupid question


I've searched the forums but I guess havent found the answer as directly as I was hoping...
I have a 75g tank with a wet/dry sump, and ever since I installed the wet/dry evaporation has been excessive compared to how it used to be, not sure if it is b/c of the open sump or the little bit more open space on the top of the tank b/c of the overflow box. Regardless, I have been moving the overflow box down every couple of days to keep the water level in the sump at the right spot and then after the box can't go any lower and the pump then begins to blow air bubbles, I wind up adding fresh r/o water to the tank itself to replace the evaporated water, then moving the overflow box back up. Is this the appropriate/easiest thing to do? OR, should I be adding fresh water directly to the sump rather than to the tank, therefore keeping the overflow box at a constant level.
Also, under the pump on the bottom of the sump there is a lot of green algea/diatoms, almost like a dust/sandy look, what is the easiest way to clean this and is it bad?
Probably had the filter set up for about 2 months, tank has been established and running for about a year.
thanks in advance!


Active Member
When you have the water levles they way you want, while the system is running, mark the water level on the outside of the sump. Then just add your top off water to the sump to bring the level back up to the mark (again while the system is running) to replace evaporated water. Your tank level should always be constant based on the height of the overflow. Just make sure when you stop the return pump that any back syphon is limited so you don't over flow the sump on a power outage.
You hit all the points that caused water to evaporate faster since you added the sump.
To clean the bottom of the sump - During your next water change syphon/vacuum the bottom of the sump.


another probable stupid question...
Wow do i syphon out of the sump when it is on the ground (thinking it would be very difficult to lift the sump up from its place in the stand to be able to create a syphon). Can I buy a powered syphon, or literally do you mean like a wet vac? and is that substance harmful or at all helpful ie like a refugium?


Active Member
How high do you keep the water level in your sump? It should syphon to the bottom of a bucket untl the two levels are the same. If you keep your sump water level low then it may be easier to get small pump and put hoses on it. I have used my WET/DRY vacuum before, but is can pull water out faster than you can vacuum..... The reason I like to remove it, is that it gets stirred up during water changes and is pushed back into the tank if not removed.


the sump is practically sitting on the ground in the stnad, and that is why i think i wouldnt be able to siphon any water into a bucket if they are both on the ground and at the same level, but i will give it a shot. the water level is maybe about 6 inches high, just parallel with the foam insert where the indication for the water level for the sump is
thanks again zman for the help


get the python kit that attached to a faucet. that's how I clean my sump sometimes. And the evaporation is normal, you just need to find a way to add fresh water to your tank constantly. I used a 2.5g doser sits on top of my sump to refill. I have to do that every 3-4 days on my 150g.